| I'm asking Jesus to come to me. "Jesus, Jesus," I say to Him | |
| Jesus came to spread His Word in the world | |
| God said to me, "I will show you My power." | |
| Only God opened my mouth to speak to Him | |
| "Feel My love for you," Jesus said to me | |
| I said to Jesus, "You are the only way." | |
| Jesus is speaking to me in my heart, "Keep the good things" | |
| I say I know Jesus and I will follow His blessings | |
| Jesus called me to be His and to have happiness and wisdom | |
| I say Jesus is in Heaven - He takes care of us in Heaven | |
| God said to me "Those who love Me will have the life I have" | |
| I ask my Chief, "My Chief, how can I live today? Teach me." | |
| First God made Heaven, then the earth | |
| I said to Jesus, "I love You." | |
| Jesus said to us "Stay here. I will go before you, then you" | |
| Jesus exists. That's why we are waiting for His return | |
| What will I answer (about what He did for me)? | |
| Now I have my Savior, who is my God | |
| Jesus is telling me to become happy | |
| Only for those, for whom Jesus opened the door | |