Gospel Songs (Galiwin'ku Choir) in Djambarrpuyngu

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Djesuny ga roŋiyirra rälin (Jesus is coming soon)
Djesuny ga roŋiyirra rälin (Jesus is coming soon)
523 kB
 2′ 26″
Every body ought to know
Every body ought to know
443 kB
 2′ 6″
Gapu Nhäŋal/Dhaŋumi dhäruk
Gapu Nhäŋal/Dhaŋumi dhäruk
746 kB
 3′ 24″
Garray Djirrtjana (Just as I am)
Garray Djirrtjana (Just as I am)
957 kB
 4′ 33″
Garray nhe Djesu Ŋamakurru (What a friend we have in Jesus)
Garray nhe Djesu Ŋamakurru (What a friend we have in Jesus)
680 kB
 3′ 11″
God is moving
God is moving
616 kB
 2′ 58″
God-wangarr Guṇḍa (God is the Rock)
God-wangarr Guṇḍa (God is the Rock)
545 kB
 2′ 36″
Ŋatha ŋamakuli’yaḷ (Harvest is harvest time)
Ŋatha ŋamakuli’yaḷ (Harvest is harvest time)
834 kB
 3′ 58″
Nhepin Ŋarrakuny God-wangarr (I will serve no foreign god)
Nhepin Ŋarrakuny God-wangarr (I will serve no foreign god)
527 kB
 2′ 26″
Lift up your hands
Lift up your hands
434 kB
 2′ 2″
Nhäŋun Garraynha (Lift up your hands)
Nhäŋun Garraynha (Lift up your hands)
396 kB
 1′ 53″