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노래 - Rodney Rivers 안의 Kriol

6.7 MB
전체 비디오를 MP4포맷으로 다운로드
30.7 MB
슬라이드쇼 비디오
오디오 만

Jisas main Seibya (27) (Jesus my saviour)
Jisas main Seibya (27) (Jesus my saviour)
971 kB
 4′ 48″
Main kemp langa Heben (32) (My home in heaven)
Main kemp langa Heben (32) (My home in heaven)
402 kB
 2′ 0″
Imbin baiyim mi (28) (He bought me)
Imbin baiyim mi (28) (He bought me)
252 kB
 1′ 12″
Langa nowath, langa sauth (35) (To the North and South)
Langa nowath, langa sauth (35) (To the North and South)
454 kB
 2′ 13″
Bulurrum Jisas olawei (19) (Follow Jesus all the way)
Bulurrum Jisas olawei (19) (Follow Jesus all the way)
214 kB
 1′ 4″
Bulurrumap (1) (Follow, follow)
Bulurrumap (1) (Follow, follow)
454 kB
 2′ 7″
God im gudbala (2) (God is good)
God im gudbala (2) (God is good)
256 kB
 1′ 12″
Jisas laigim olagija (3) (Jesus loves everyone)
Jisas laigim olagija (3) (Jesus loves everyone)
323 kB
 1′ 32″
Det greib im sidan imti (36) (The grave now is empty)
Det greib im sidan imti (36) (The grave now is empty)
270 kB
 1′ 19″
Nowa imbin meigim bout (37) (Noah)
Nowa imbin meigim bout (37) (Noah)
343 kB
 1′ 41″
Jisas biginini blanga God (7) (Jesus is Lord of my life)
Jisas biginini blanga God (7) (Jesus is Lord of my life)
268 kB
 1′ 20″
Dubalawei (4) (Two roads in life)
Dubalawei (4) (Two roads in life)
241 kB
 1′ 10″
Tainim yubala ai langa Jisas (Turn your eyes on Jesus)
Tainim yubala ai langa Jisas (Turn your eyes on Jesus)
275 kB
 1′ 20″
Jisas im laigim mi (9) (Jesus loves me)
Jisas im laigim mi (9) (Jesus loves me)
265 kB
 1′ 16″
Langa main hat (10) (Come into my heart)
Langa main hat (10) (Come into my heart)
309 kB
 1′ 28″
Aleiluya! Mi brabli gudbiji (11) (Hallelujah I am very happy)
Aleiluya! Mi brabli gudbiji (11) (Hallelujah I am very happy)
195 kB
Nomo nogudbinji (5) (In my Father's house)
Nomo nogudbinji (5) (In my Father's house)
354 kB
 1′ 46″
Ai bin jinggabat bla bulurrum Jisas (8) (I have decided to follow Jesus)
Ai bin jinggabat bla bulurrum Jisas (8) (I have decided to follow Jesus)
384 kB
 1′ 52″
Mi gudbinji tudei (14) (I am happy today)
Mi gudbinji tudei (14) (I am happy today)
411 kB
 1′ 59″
Mi hepi mi kristjan (15) (I'm glad I'm a Christian)
Mi hepi mi kristjan (15) (I'm glad I'm a Christian)
323 kB
 1′ 33″
JIsas im laigim biginini (Jesus loves all the children of the world)
JIsas im laigim biginini (Jesus loves all the children of the world)
287 kB
 1′ 24″
Jisas im laigim mi, ai sabi (17) (Jesus loves me)
Jisas im laigim mi, ai sabi (17) (Jesus loves me)
324 kB
 1′ 34″
Mi laigim irrim stori (18) (I love to hear the 이야기 of Jesus)
Mi laigim irrim stori (18) (I love to hear the 이야기 of Jesus)
529 kB
 2′ 39″
God im laigim yunmi (God so loved the World)
God im laigim yunmi (God so loved the World)
257 kB
 1′ 14″
Imbin longtaim na (21) (For a long time I have been away from God)
Imbin longtaim na (21) (For a long time I have been away from God)
430 kB
 2′ 9″
Bambai yumi garra siyim God (22) (By and By we will see the Lord)
Bambai yumi garra siyim God (22) (By and By we will see the Lord)
314 kB
 1′ 30″
Wot gin klinim sin bla mi (23) (What can wash away my sin)
Wot gin klinim sin bla mi (23) (What can wash away my sin)
323 kB
 1′ 35″
Kaburrumap mi (24) (Cover me)
Kaburrumap mi (24) (Cover me)
277 kB
 1′ 21″
Mi nomo garram eni mani (12) (Silver & Gold have I none)
Mi nomo garram eni mani (12) (Silver & Gold have I none)
284 kB
 1′ 23″
Langa neim banga Jisas (13) (In the name of Jesus)
Langa neim banga Jisas (13) (In the name of Jesus)
297 kB
 1′ 26″
Klebabala men (25) (The wise man built his house upon the rock)
Klebabala men (25) (The wise man built his house upon the rock)
410 kB
 2′ 0″
Yunmi Kristjan (26) (We Christians read the Bible)
Yunmi Kristjan (26) (We Christians read the Bible)
566 kB
 2′ 50″
God im nat dedbala (38) (God is not dead)
God im nat dedbala (38) (God is not dead)
325 kB
 1′ 36″
Mi bla yu, O Lod (29) (Draw me nearer)
Mi bla yu, O Lod (29) (Draw me nearer)
358 kB
 1′ 49″
Imbin meigim mi fri (30) (He has made me free)
Imbin meigim mi fri (30) (He has made me free)
213 kB
 1′ 6″