Hello! Welcome. What you are about to hear are some of the most important words you will ever hear. It is good news for everyone.
Songs in Gogodala
4.3 MB
19.5 MB
Slideshow Video
Audio Only
People Sorry for Jesus Dying on The Cross
716 kB
3′ 32″
Sinners Looking Ways to Come to Jesus
765 kB
3′ 44″
I Came to You as Sinner
1 MB
5′ 4″
My Body Is Yours
703 kB
3′ 28″
Jesus Born in Bethlehem
626 kB
3′ 1″
Jesus Died for My Sin
797 kB
3′ 54″
Jesus Died on The Cross
604 kB
2′ 55″
Holy Spirit Come Help Us
742 kB
3′ 36″
Rescue Us From Sin
798 kB
3′ 51″
God, We Ask You To Lead Us
923 kB
4′ 28″