Hello! Welcome. What you are about to hear are some of the most important words you will ever hear. It is good news for everyone.

LLL 1 Beginning with GOD in Khisa

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We are the God's creature ▪ Picture 1. Adam and the Animals
We are the God's creature ▪ Picture 1. Adam and the Animals
826 kB
 3′ 41″
Picture 2. A Wife for Adam
Picture 2. A Wife for Adam
229 kB
Picture 3. The Snake in the Garden
Picture 3. The Snake in the Garden
309 kB
 1′ 12″
Picture 4. Adam and Eve Outside the Garden
Picture 4. Adam and Eve Outside the Garden
308 kB
 1′ 20″
Picture 5. Noah and the Great Boat
Picture 5. Noah and the Great Boat
278 kB
 1′ 12″
Picture 6. The Great Flood
Picture 6. The Great Flood
417 kB
 1′ 41″
Picture 7. The Rainbow and God's Promise
Picture 7. The Rainbow and God's Promise
270 kB
 1′ 6″
Picture 8. The Tower of Babel
Picture 8. The Tower of Babel
301 kB
 1′ 17″
Picture 9. Job Worships God
Picture 9. Job Worships God
329 kB
 1′ 28″
Picture 10. Job in Mourning
Picture 10. Job in Mourning
289 kB
 1′ 14″
Picture 11. Job Suffers
Picture 11. Job Suffers
266 kB
 1′ 8″
Picture 12. Job is Restored
Picture 12. Job is Restored
338 kB
 1′ 20″
Let's adore God ▪ Picture 13. Abraham Leaves His Home
Let's adore God ▪ Picture 13. Abraham Leaves His Home
648 kB
 2′ 55″
Picture 14. Abraham and Lot
Picture 14. Abraham and Lot
286 kB
 1′ 9″
Picture 15. Abraham Meets the King of Peace
Picture 15. Abraham Meets the King of Peace
348 kB
 1′ 31″
Picture 16. Abraham Counts the Stars
Picture 16. Abraham Counts the Stars
193 kB
Picture 17. The Baby Ishmael
Picture 17. The Baby Ishmael
265 kB
 1′ 12″
Picture 18. Sarah Laughs
Picture 18. Sarah Laughs
295 kB
 1′ 9″
Picture 19. Abraham Prays for Sodom
Picture 19. Abraham Prays for Sodom
277 kB
 1′ 6″
Picture 20. Abraham's Sacrifice
Picture 20. Abraham's Sacrifice
250 kB
 1′ 0″
Picture 21. Old Abraham and His Servant
Picture 21. Old Abraham and His Servant
267 kB
 1′ 5″
Picture 22. Jesus is Born
Picture 22. Jesus is Born
309 kB
 1′ 10″
Picture 23. The Death of Jesus
Picture 23. The Death of Jesus
304 kB
 1′ 28″
Picture 24. Jesus is Alive! ▪ Jesus freed me
Picture 24. Jesus is Alive! ▪ Jesus freed me
748 kB
 3′ 22″