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Paroles de Vie dans Naga, Wancho

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Diaporama Vidéo
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Audio Seulement

We Praise Thee ▪ Oh, Unhappy People ▪ Christ our Victory ▪ Follow Me ▪ House on the Rock ▪ I Surrender All ▪ What I must do ▪ Faith Brings Victory ▪ Jesus is coming soon ▪ Have you been ▪ He Leads me
We Praise Thee ▪ Oh, Unhappy People ▪ Christ our Victory ▪ Follow Me ▪ House on the Rock ▪ I Surrender All ▪ What I must do ▪ Faith Brings Victory ▪ Jesus is coming soon ▪ Have you been ▪ He Leads me
6.2 MB
 29′ 4″
I Am Happy ▪ More About Jesus ▪ Wealth or Christ ▪ Take My Life ▪ What will be your part ▪ In The Name of Jesus ▪ A New Jerusalem ▪ Coming Home ▪ Jesus is Coming Soon ▪ Land of Missionary ▪ Rescue the Perishing
I Am Happy ▪ More About Jesus ▪ Wealth or Christ ▪ Take My Life ▪ What will be your part ▪ In The Name of Jesus ▪ A New Jerusalem ▪ Coming Home ▪ Jesus is Coming Soon ▪ Land of Missionary ▪ Rescue the Perishing
6.2 MB
 29′ 4″