Parole di Vita 2 in Balantak

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Slaves ▪ Marilah Marilah ▪ Barabbas ▪ Sacrifice of Jesus Chrsit ▪ Buona Novella of Salvation ▪ Peter Leaves Jesus ▪ The Holy Spirit Brings Liberty
Slaves ▪ Marilah Marilah ▪ Barabbas ▪ Sacrifice of Jesus Chrsit ▪ Buona Novella of Salvation ▪ Peter Leaves Jesus ▪ The Holy Spirit Brings Liberty
5.9 MB
 29′ 0″
The Figliol Prodigo ▪ Jesus is Waiting ▪ Are You Going to Heaven? ▪ The Two Masters ▪ The Word of God ▪ Preghiera is Talking to God ▪ Spread the Buona Novella
The Figliol Prodigo ▪ Jesus is Waiting ▪ Are You Going to Heaven? ▪ The Two Masters ▪ The Word of God ▪ Preghiera is Talking to God ▪ Spread the Buona Novella
5.7 MB
 28′ 40″