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Paroles de Vie 1 dans Bhili: Dehawali
7.7 MB
91.4 MB
Diaporama Vidéo
Audio Seulement
Introduction to Word of Life Program
217 kB
The Creation and Fall
1.5 MB
6′ 17″
God Created the Earth
1.4 MB
6′ 30″
The Birth of Jesus
932 kB
3′ 34″
Jesus Came to this earth worship Him
1.2 MB
5′ 14″
Behold Jesus
1.7 MB
7′ 10″
Jesus Came to our hearts
1.2 MB
5′ 29″
Jesus, the Mighty One
883 kB
3′ 31″
Be Awake to His Glory
1.3 MB
5′ 38″
1.6 MB
6′ 32″
Jesus Established Truth on Earth
1.7 MB
7′ 54″
Can We Escape
1.4 MB
5′ 56″