ሰላም! እንኳን ደህና መጣህ. ልትሰሙት የፈለጋችሁት ከምትሰሙት በጣም አስፈላጊ ቃላት ጥቂቶቹ ናቸው። ለሁሉም ሰው መልካም ዜና ነው።

LLL 5 ለእግዚአብሔር በሙከራ ላይ ውስጥ Dari

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ሙሉውን ቪዲዮ በMP4 ቅርጸት አውርድ
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የስላይድ ትዕይንት ቪዲዮ
ኦዲዮ ብቻ

መግቢያ and Music ▪ ምስል 1. Naaman Visits Elisha's House
መግቢያ and Music ▪ ምስል 1. Naaman Visits Elisha's House
585 kB
 2′ 15″
ምስል 2. Naaman in the River
ምስል 2. Naaman in the River
273 kB
ምስል 3. Elisha and the Army of God
ምስል 3. Elisha and the Army of God
365 kB
 1′ 14″
ምስል 4. Elisha and the Blind Army
ምስል 4. Elisha and the Blind Army
391 kB
 1′ 24″
ምስል 5. The Siege of Samaria
ምስል 5. The Siege of Samaria
360 kB
 1′ 14″
ምስል 6. The Four Lepers
ምስል 6. The Four Lepers
456 kB
 1′ 36″
ምስል 7. ዮናስ flees from God
ምስል 7. ዮናስ flees from God
344 kB
 1′ 16″
ምስል 8. ዮናስ and the Great Fish
ምስል 8. ዮናስ and the Great Fish
329 kB
 1′ 7″
ምስል 9. ዮናስ at Nineveh
ምስል 9. ዮናስ at Nineveh
409 kB
 1′ 30″
ምስል 10. አስቴር and the King
ምስል 10. አስቴር and the King
323 kB
 1′ 9″
ምስል 11. Mordecai Refuses to Bow Down
ምስል 11. Mordecai Refuses to Bow Down
422 kB
 1′ 34″
ምስል 12. አስቴር's Feast
ምስል 12. አስቴር's Feast
442 kB
 1′ 37″
መግቢያ to Part B ▪ Music ▪ ምስል 13. ዳንኤል and His Friends
መግቢያ to Part B ▪ Music ▪ ምስል 13. ዳንኤል and His Friends
546 kB
 2′ 9″
ምስል 14. ዳንኤል and the King of Babylon
ምስል 14. ዳንኤል and the King of Babylon
376 kB
 1′ 25″
ምስል 15. The Image of Gold
ምስል 15. The Image of Gold
318 kB
 1′ 8″
ምስል 16. The Furnace of Fire
ምስል 16. The Furnace of Fire
443 kB
 1′ 34″
ምስል 17. ዳንኤል Prays to God
ምስል 17. ዳንኤል Prays to God
339 kB
 1′ 10″
ምስል 18. ዳንኤል in the Lions' Den
ምስል 18. ዳንኤል in the Lions' Den
407 kB
 1′ 24″
ምስል 19. ነህምያ Before the Great King
ምስል 19. ነህምያ Before the Great King
343 kB
 1′ 15″
ምስል 20. ነህምያ Inspects the Ruined City
ምስል 20. ነህምያ Inspects the Ruined City
385 kB
 1′ 19″
ምስል 21. Building the Walls
ምስል 21. Building the Walls
316 kB
 1′ 3″
ምስል 22. ዕዝራ Reads the Law
ምስል 22. ዕዝራ Reads the Law
377 kB
 1′ 17″
ምስል 23. Jesus on the Cross
ምስል 23. Jesus on the Cross
387 kB
 1′ 32″
ምስል 24. Jesus Shows the Way to Everlasting Life ▪ Music
ምስል 24. Jesus Shows the Way to Everlasting Life ▪ Music
461 kB
 1′ 44″