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Jesus Will Take Us to Heaven (Prabhu Isu Rage Enjammai Swargaku Korko Diyang) dans Rung, Byansi

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Audio Seulement

Creation and fall
Creation and fall
846 kB
 3′ 13″
Chant: Who created it (Kumauni Chant)
Chant: Who created it (Kumauni Chant)
1.3 MB
 5′ 20″
The Birth of Jesus
The Birth of Jesus
1.1 MB
 4′ 22″
Chant: God has shown His mercy (Kumauni Chant)
Chant: God has shown His mercy (Kumauni Chant)
1.2 MB
 5′ 27″
Jesus the mighty one
Jesus the mighty one
1.1 MB
 4′ 19″
Chant: Thank you O Lord (Kumauni Chant)
Chant: Thank you O Lord (Kumauni Chant)
1.2 MB
 5′ 8″
Power over evil spirits
Power over evil spirits
1.1 MB
 4′ 26″
Chant: O' Jesus, O' Messiah (Kumauni Chant)
Chant: O' Jesus, O' Messiah (Kumauni Chant)
1.3 MB
 5′ 39″
Death and resurrection
Death and resurrection
1.2 MB
 4′ 43″
Chant: O' my Lord (Kumauni Chant)
Chant: O' my Lord (Kumauni Chant)
1.3 MB
 5′ 32″
The way to heaven
The way to heaven
916 kB
 3′ 35″
Chant: News of happiness (Kumauni Chant)
Chant: News of happiness (Kumauni Chant)
1.4 MB
 5′ 57″
The second coming
The second coming
1.1 MB
 4′ 26″