| Gena n̄amu ♦ Jͻͻcin Waka Bala Tɛɛr Win̄ɛti Wuakar (Introduction ▪ Picture 1. Adam and the Animals) | |
| Waka Buͻggiti Menbaan Tɛɛr Win̄ɛti (Picture 2. A Wife for Adam) | |
| Jͻͻcin Nͻjo (Picture 3. The Snake in the Garden) | |
| Waka Ooddi Nͻjo Ikinti (Picture 4. Adam and Eve Outside the Garden) | |
| Nͻwa Ɛkɛ a Wͻna Puadan (Picture 5. Noah and the Great Boat) | |
| Bɛɛn Tol Bͻrda (Picture 6. The Great Flood) | |
| Juaŋ Dͻlla Juala Duͻn̄n̄ɛ Juaŋo (Picture 7. The Rainbow and God's Promise) | |
| Kɛn Nͻwa (Picture 8. The Tower of Babel) | |
| Jͻb Ɛkɛ a Mena Puadan (Picture 9. Job Worships God) | |
| Wͻͻka Waka Yeyin (Picture 10. Job in Mourning) | |
| Tabja Taabnɛ Jͻͻb (Picture 11. Job Suffers) | |
| Juaŋ Jͻͻb Dͻŋnɛ Wakɛkɛ Waakandu (Picture 12. Job is Restored) | |
| Abraham Noŋi Ba Jiek Juaŋo (Picture 13. Abraham Leaves His Home) | |
| Paŋtan Lͻt (Picture 14. Abraham and Lot) | |
| Abraham Lͻt ŋͻͻn̄ɛ (Picture 15. Abraham Meets the King of Peace) | |
| Jieka Abraham Dͻͻŋnɛ Juaŋo (Picture 16. Abraham Counts the Stars) | |
| Jiedi Icmuŋil (Picture 17. The Baby Ishmael) | |
| Jieka Guͻgdɛ Juaŋ Aŋɛyͻ (Picture 18. Sarah Laughs) | |
| Abraham Bala Gͻwwi I Malɛɛkan to Bolji Juaŋ Buͻŋgi Noki Ban Cͻdom (Picture 19. Abraham Prays for Sodom) | |
| Juaŋ Abraham Pͻͻn̄ɛ (Picture 20. Abraham's Sacrifice) | |
| Ɛŋ Icaak (Picture 21. Old Abraham and His Servant) | |
| Jieka Duͻde Juaŋo (Picture 22. Jesus is Born) | |
| Yaccu Tuun te Ikin (Picture 23. The Death of Jesus) | |
| Yͻͻta Ikin Yͻͻtin Juaŋ te Jieno (Picture 24. Jesus is Alive!) | |