LLL 7 JESUS - Lord & Saviour (Lola, Sikiza Na Uishi 7: Jesu - Bwana Na Mokoli) in Kigiryama: Rabai

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Kuvyalwa Kwa Jesu (Picture 1. The Birth of Jesus)
Kuvyalwa Kwa Jesu (Picture 1. The Birth of Jesus)
358 kB
 1′ 20″
Jesu Wagaluza Madzi Kukala Divai (Picture 2. Jesus Turns Water into Wine)
Jesu Wagaluza Madzi Kukala Divai (Picture 2. Jesus Turns Water into Wine)
316 kB
 1′ 18″
Jesu Wagomba Na Nikodemo (Picture 3. Jesus Speaks to Nicodemus)
Jesu Wagomba Na Nikodemo (Picture 3. Jesus Speaks to Nicodemus)
338 kB
 1′ 26″
Mutawali Yunapigira Jesu Mavindi (Picture 4. A Ruler Kneels before Jesus)
Mutawali Yunapigira Jesu Mavindi (Picture 4. A Ruler Kneels before Jesus)
306 kB
 1′ 13″
Mwanalume Munyonge Chisimani (Picture 5. The Sick Man at the Pool)
Mwanalume Munyonge Chisimani (Picture 5. The Sick Man at the Pool)
386 kB
 1′ 33″
Jesu Warisa Atu Alifu Tsano (Picture 6. Jesus Feeds 5000 People)
Jesu Warisa Atu Alifu Tsano (Picture 6. Jesus Feeds 5000 People)
375 kB
 1′ 35″
Jesu Yunenenda Dzulu Ya Madzi (Picture 7. Jesus Walks on the Water)
Jesu Yunenenda Dzulu Ya Madzi (Picture 7. Jesus Walks on the Water)
277 kB
 1′ 5″
Jesu Yunavhoza Chipofu (Picture 8. Jesus Heals a Blind Man)
Jesu Yunavhoza Chipofu (Picture 8. Jesus Heals a Blind Man)
339 kB
 1′ 28″
Jesu Yuna Mwiha Lazaro Kula Mbirani (Picture 9. Jesus Calls Lazarus from Death)
Jesu Yuna Mwiha Lazaro Kula Mbirani (Picture 9. Jesus Calls Lazarus from Death)
365 kB
 1′ 31″
Jesu Wafa Musalabani (Picture 10. Jesus Dies on the Cross)
Jesu Wafa Musalabani (Picture 10. Jesus Dies on the Cross)
427 kB
 1′ 55″
Mariamu Na Jesu Mbirani (Picture 11. Mary and Jesus at the Tomb)
Mariamu Na Jesu Mbirani (Picture 11. Mary and Jesus at the Tomb)
361 kB
 1′ 25″
Jesu Waomberera Asenae (Picture 12. Jesus Appears to His Friends)
Jesu Waomberera Asenae (Picture 12. Jesus Appears to His Friends)
408 kB
 1′ 40″
Jesu Yunafundisha Asenae Airi (Picture 13. Jesus Teaches Two Friends)
Jesu Yunafundisha Asenae Airi (Picture 13. Jesus Teaches Two Friends)
396 kB
 1′ 37″
Barubaru Kahikahi Ya Nguluwe (Picture 14. The Son Among the Pigs)
Barubaru Kahikahi Ya Nguluwe (Picture 14. The Son Among the Pigs)
382 kB
 1′ 28″
Mwana Mwangamiki Yunauya Mudzini (Picture 15. The Lost Son Comes Home)
Mwana Mwangamiki Yunauya Mudzini (Picture 15. The Lost Son Comes Home)
345 kB
 1′ 21″
Mutu Mwenye Mali (Picture 16. The Wealth of a Rich Man)
Mutu Mwenye Mali (Picture 16. The Wealth of a Rich Man)
357 kB
 1′ 23″
Muvoyaji Na Mutu Tajiri (Picture 17. The Beggar and the Rich Man)
Muvoyaji Na Mutu Tajiri (Picture 17. The Beggar and the Rich Man)
401 kB
 1′ 39″
Musena Kwenye Muryango (Picture 18. The Friend at the Door)
Musena Kwenye Muryango (Picture 18. The Friend at the Door)
327 kB
 1′ 19″
Atu Airi Kwenye Nyumba Ya Mulungu (Picture 19. Two Men in God's House)
Atu Airi Kwenye Nyumba Ya Mulungu (Picture 19. Two Men in God's House)
347 kB
 1′ 27″
Mutu Yunanyala Mbeyu (Picture 20. A Man Sows His Seed)
Mutu Yunanyala Mbeyu (Picture 20. A Man Sows His Seed)
289 kB
 1′ 10″
Mbeyu Za Mera (Picture 21. The Seed Grows)
Mbeyu Za Mera (Picture 21. The Seed Grows)
337 kB
 1′ 25″
Kumwaviza Mutu Yedze Lumira (Picture 22. Help for an Injured Man)
Kumwaviza Mutu Yedze Lumira (Picture 22. Help for an Injured Man)
406 kB
 1′ 41″
Mwenye Nyumba Wakudza (Picture 23. The House Owner Comes Home)
Mwenye Nyumba Wakudza (Picture 23. The House Owner Comes Home)
362 kB
 1′ 29″
Mutu Arie Panda Dzulu Za Muhi (Picture 24. The Man up a Tree)
Mutu Arie Panda Dzulu Za Muhi (Picture 24. The Man up a Tree)
376 kB
 1′ 30″