| Okhuchaka ♦ Abasiani Babiri (Introduction ▪ Picture 1. The Two Brothers) | |
| Amaloto Aka Jacob (Picture 2. Jacob's Dream) | |
| Jacob Nende Laban (Picture 3. Jacob and Laban) | |
| Jacob Yakanana Nende Nyasaye (Picture 4. Jacob Meets God) | |
| Amaloto Aka Joseph (Picture 5. Joseph's Dream) | |
| Joseph Yakuswa (Picture 6. Joseph is Sold) | |
| Joseph Nende Omukhasi Atenyala (Picture 7. Joseph and the Wicked Woman) | |
| Joseph Musivoye (Picture 8. Joseph in Prison) | |
| Amaloto Aka Omwamii (Picture 9. The King's Dream) | |
| Joseph Atukaa Musialo Esia Egypt (Picture 10. Joseph Rules in Egypt) | |
| Joseph Yavulaa Huvasiani Vawee (Picture 11. Joseph Revealed to His Brothers) | |
| Jacob Nende Joseph Musialo Esia Egypt (Picture 12. Jacob and Joseph in Egypt) | |
| Okhuchaka 2 ♦ Omwanaa Musa (Introduction to Part 2 ▪ Picture 13. Baby Moses) | |
| Musa Nende Esichaha Esiari Nisiya (Picture 14. Moses and the Burning Bush) | |
| Musa Akovolaa Eyirii Omwamii (Picture 15. Moses Returns to the King) | |
| Esianwa Esiekondii (Picture 16. The Sacrificed Lamb) | |
| Ohuritiraa Mumaachii (Picture 17. Through the Sea) | |
| Eriahuri Nende Amaachii Musichimi (Picture 18. Food and Water in the Desert) | |
| Musa Huluguluu Olwa Nyasaye (Picture 19. Moses on the Mountain of God) | |
| Enjuhaa Humusalaa (Picture 20. The Snake on the Pole) | |
| Yesu Arisaa Araanduu (Picture 21. Jesus Feeds the People) | |
| Yesu Alomaloma Nende Musa (Picture 22. Jesus Speaks with Moses) | |
| Yesu Yatufwiraa (Picture 23. Jesus Died for Us) | |
| Yesu Mwikulu (Picture 24. Jesus in Heaven) | |