Hello! Welcome. What you are about to hear are some of the most important words you will ever hear. It is good news for everyone.

LLL 7 JESUS - Lord & Saviour (LLL 7: Yesu - Omwami Mani Omwonia) in Samia

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Okhuchaka ♦ Ohwivulwa Ohwa Yesu (Introduction ▪ Picture 1. The Birth of Jesus)
Okhuchaka ♦ Ohwivulwa Ohwa Yesu (Introduction ▪ Picture 1. The Birth of Jesus)
472 kB
 2′ 1″
Yesu Akaluhania Amachi Ova Efini (Picture 2. Jesus Turns Water into Wine)
Yesu Akaluhania Amachi Ova Efini (Picture 2. Jesus Turns Water into Wine)
297 kB
 1′ 15″
Yesu Alomalomera Nekodemo (Picture 3. Jesus Speaks to Nicodemus)
Yesu Alomalomera Nekodemo (Picture 3. Jesus Speaks to Nicodemus)
305 kB
 1′ 20″
Omutuki Asigama Emberi Wa Yesu (Picture 4. A Ruler Kneels before Jesus)
Omutuki Asigama Emberi Wa Yesu (Picture 4. A Ruler Kneels before Jesus)
295 kB
 1′ 20″
Omwacha Mulwaye Eri Ediva (Picture 5. The Sick Man at the Pool)
Omwacha Mulwaye Eri Ediva (Picture 5. The Sick Man at the Pool)
346 kB
 1′ 29″
Yesu Arisa Arandu Elifu Chitanu (Picture 6. Jesus Feeds 5000 People)
Yesu Arisa Arandu Elifu Chitanu (Picture 6. Jesus Feeds 5000 People)
340 kB
 1′ 31″
Yesu Akenda Humachi (Picture 7. Jesus Walks on the Water)
Yesu Akenda Humachi (Picture 7. Jesus Walks on the Water)
260 kB
 1′ 4″
Yesu Awonia Omusacha Mwofu (Picture 8. Jesus Heals a Blind Man)
Yesu Awonia Omusacha Mwofu (Picture 8. Jesus Heals a Blind Man)
309 kB
 1′ 20″
Yesu Amulanga Lazaro Otula Mufwa (Picture 9. Jesus Calls Lazarus from Death)
Yesu Amulanga Lazaro Otula Mufwa (Picture 9. Jesus Calls Lazarus from Death)
348 kB
 1′ 30″
Yesu Afwira Humusalaba (Picture 10. Jesus Dies on the Cross)
Yesu Afwira Humusalaba (Picture 10. Jesus Dies on the Cross)
374 kB
 1′ 44″
Mariamu Nenda Yesu Eri Eng'ani (Picture 11. Mary and Jesus at the Tomb)
Mariamu Nenda Yesu Eri Eng'ani (Picture 11. Mary and Jesus at the Tomb)
331 kB
 1′ 23″
Yesu Avonehanira Avecha Vaye (Picture 12. Jesus Appears to His Friends)
Yesu Avonehanira Avecha Vaye (Picture 12. Jesus Appears to His Friends)
378 kB
 1′ 34″
Okhuchaka 2 ♦ Yesu Yekia Abeecha Babiri (Introduction to Part 2 ▪ Picture 13. Jesus Teaches Two Friends)
Okhuchaka 2 ♦ Yesu Yekia Abeecha Babiri (Introduction to Part 2 ▪ Picture 13. Jesus Teaches Two Friends)
428 kB
 2′ 3″
Omusiani Mu Euguruwe (Picture 14. The Son Among the Pigs)
Omusiani Mu Euguruwe (Picture 14. The Son Among the Pigs)
332 kB
 1′ 25″
Omusiani Yakota Afunya (Picture 15. The Lost Son Comes Home)
Omusiani Yakota Afunya (Picture 15. The Lost Son Comes Home)
286 kB
 1′ 19″
Emali ya Omusacha Muinda (Picture 16. The Wealth of a Rich Man)
Emali ya Omusacha Muinda (Picture 16. The Wealth of a Rich Man)
301 kB
 1′ 18″
Omusabi Nende Omusacha Muinda (Picture 17. The Beggar and the Rich Man)
Omusabi Nende Omusacha Muinda (Picture 17. The Beggar and the Rich Man)
313 kB
 1′ 23″
Omwicha Khumwingira (Picture 18. The Friend at the Door)
Omwicha Khumwingira (Picture 18. The Friend at the Door)
252 kB
 1′ 9″
Abasacha Babiri (Picture 19. Two Men in God's House)
Abasacha Babiri (Picture 19. Two Men in God's House)
263 kB
 1′ 10″
Omundu Ataka Emuo Yae (Picture 20. A Man Sows His Seed)
Omundu Ataka Emuo Yae (Picture 20. A Man Sows His Seed)
240 kB
 1′ 3″
Emuo Imera (Picture 21. The Seed Grows)
Emuo Imera (Picture 21. The Seed Grows)
283 kB
 1′ 18″
Omusacha Aumiye Akhonywa (Picture 22. Help for an Injured Man)
Omusacha Aumiye Akhonywa (Picture 22. Help for an Injured Man)
322 kB
 1′ 26″
Mwene Edala Afunya (Picture 23. The House Owner Comes Home)
Mwene Edala Afunya (Picture 23. The House Owner Comes Home)
277 kB
 1′ 14″
Omusacha Akhumusala (Picture 24. The Man up a Tree)
Omusacha Akhumusala (Picture 24. The Man up a Tree)
363 kB
 1′ 36″