생명의 말씀 2 안의 Kikongo: Fioti
4.5 MB
38 MB
슬라이드쇼 비디오
오디오 만
8.6 MB
I Was Once Lost in Sin
The 탕자 - 1
노래: The 탕자 - 2
Not My Own
The Christian's 간증
Tell Me About Jesus
Children's Choruses
Jesus Calms the Storm
Fairest Lord Jesus
Go and Tell
All Hail the Power
Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume.
772 kB
3′ 9″
I Was Once Lost in Sin
759 kB
3′ 19″
The 탕자 - 1
738 kB
3′ 4″
노래: The 탕자 - 2
741 kB
3′ 22″
Not My Own
720 kB
3′ 20″
The Christian's 간증
780 kB
3′ 20″
Tell Me About Jesus
769 kB
3′ 11″
Children's Choruses
709 kB
3′ 13″
Jesus Calms the Storm
710 kB
2′ 49″
Fairest Lord Jesus
679 kB
3′ 11″
Go and Tell
732 kB
3′ 23″
All Hail the Power
717 kB
3′ 22″