Sawubona! Siyakwamukela. Osuzokuzwa ngamanye amagama abaluleke kakhulu oyoke uzwe. Kuyizindaba ezinhle zawo wonke umuntu.

Amazwi Okuphila phakathi Yoabou

3.5 MB
Landa ividiyo yonke ngefomethi ye-MP4
37.8 MB
Ividiyo Yombukiso Wesilayidi
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Okulalelwayo Kuphela

The House on the Rock
The House on the Rock
919 kB
 3′ 35″
A Clean Heart
A Clean Heart
953 kB
 3′ 41″
Jesus Saves
Jesus Saves
799 kB
 3′ 36″
The Indodana yolahleko
The Indodana yolahleko
956 kB
 3′ 50″
Fear God
Fear God
916 kB
 3′ 36″
My Best Friend
My Best Friend
850 kB
 3′ 35″
Come to Jesus
Come to Jesus
775 kB
 3′ 30″
Spread the Izindaba Ezinhle
Spread the Izindaba Ezinhle
888 kB
 3′ 35″
Ingoma No 3 (From Jesus Saves)
Ingoma No 3 (From Jesus Saves)
103 kB