Paroles de Vie 1 dans Wayuunaiki

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Introduction - Harp ▪ Are You Afraid? ▪ Instrumental - Harp ▪ The Birth of Jesus ▪ By the SeaSide ▪ Boy with a Demon ▪ One Mediator Between God and Man ▪ Death and Resurrection ▪ A New Nature ▪ Eternal Life
Introduction - Harp ▪ Are You Afraid? ▪ Instrumental - Harp ▪ The Birth of Jesus ▪ By the SeaSide ▪ Boy with a Demon ▪ One Mediator Between God and Man ▪ Death and Resurrection ▪ A New Nature ▪ Eternal Life
4.3 MB
 18′ 26″
The Sickness of Man ▪ The New Man ▪ Instrumental - Harp ▪ The Lost Sheep ▪ The Good Shepherd ▪ The Fils Prodigue ▪ Noah ▪ The Two Roads ▪ Witnesses for Christ
The Sickness of Man ▪ The New Man ▪ Instrumental - Harp ▪ The Lost Sheep ▪ The Good Shepherd ▪ The Fils Prodigue ▪ Noah ▪ The Two Roads ▪ Witnesses for Christ
4.2 MB
 18′ 25″