ሰላም! እንኳን ደህና መጣህ. ልትሰሙት የፈለጋችሁት ከምትሰሙት በጣም አስፈላጊ ቃላት ጥቂቶቹ ናቸው። ለሁሉም ሰው መልካም ዜና ነው።

የሕይወት ቃላት 1 ውስጥ Central Aymara

6.1 MB
ሙሉውን ቪዲዮ በMP4 ቅርጸት አውርድ
41 MB
የስላይድ ትዕይንት ቪዲዮ
ኦዲዮ ብቻ

Jesus Loves Me ▪ Fear Not ▪ Our Best Friend ▪ Music ድልድይ ▪ Christ Our Mediator ▪ At the Cross ▪ The New Birth ▪ Power in the Blood
Jesus Loves Me ▪ Fear Not ▪ Our Best Friend ▪ Music ድልድይ ▪ Christ Our Mediator ▪ At the Cross ▪ The New Birth ▪ Power in the Blood
5.9 MB
 26′ 33″
The Gospel ▪ Who is a Believer? ▪ They are Nailed to the Cross ▪ God is Our Helper ▪ Christ in You ▪ Lily of the Valley
The Gospel ▪ Who is a Believer? ▪ They are Nailed to the Cross ▪ God is Our Helper ▪ Christ in You ▪ Lily of the Valley
6 MB
 26′ 29″