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Paroles de Vie dans Shona: Karanga
4.6 MB
36.9 MB
Diaporama Vidéo
Audio Seulement
770 kB
3′ 29″
Deliverance From Sin
708 kB
3′ 3″
I Will Arise
647 kB
3′ 6″
720 kB
3′ 33″
Just as I am
736 kB
3′ 18″
How to Walk Jesus' Way
734 kB
3′ 20″
The Ten Virgins
778 kB
3′ 23″
The Great Day Will Come
731 kB
3′ 35″
I Made My Choice Forever
689 kB
3′ 4″
Tell Me About Jesus
785 kB
3′ 22″
Jesus Loves Me
713 kB
3′ 15″
Have You Any Room for Jesus?
683 kB
3′ 6″