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Messages w/ CHATINO: Panixtla dans Yaitepec Chatino

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Audio Seulement

The Creation and Fall ▪ Fall and Redemption ▪ Cain and Abel ▪ Noah ▪ Repentance ▪ Attributes of God ▪ The Birth of Jesus ▪ Wedding at Cana ▪ Death and Resurrection
The Creation and Fall ▪ Fall and Redemption ▪ Cain and Abel ▪ Noah ▪ Repentance ▪ Attributes of God ▪ The Birth of Jesus ▪ Wedding at Cana ▪ Death and Resurrection
6.6 MB
 28′ 48″
Ten Commandments ▪ Who Has Power to Forgive Sins? ▪ Prière ▪ Jean 4 ▪ Luc 15
Ten Commandments ▪ Who Has Power to Forgive Sins? ▪ Prière ▪ Jean 4 ▪ Luc 15
6.7 MB
 28′ 42″