| Laval u Tzak'ite' (From 藉基督创造万有) | |
| Xo'n In te u Cristo (圣歌: Jesus Loves Me; speaking; 歌曲) | |
| La Xo'v O' te u Tiẍe' (Fear God) | |
| Ik'av Naj xe' Vibale' (The 浪子) | |
| La Cunach u Tiẍe' (Let Us Worship God) | |
| Catil Bencat Aẍ? (Where Are you Going?) | |
| U Carnelo' uva' Tz'ejxinajle (The Lost Sheep) | |
| Aӝe' u Tatimbal u Tiẍe' (How God's Children Should Live, and 歌曲) | |
| 圣歌: Rejoice in the Lord Always | |