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Paroles de Vie 1w/ NEPALI song dans Dhimal

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Audio Seulement

The Fils Prodigue ▪ Come Listen, Friend ▪ Who is He? ▪ Come to Jesus For Salvation ▪ From De la Création au Christ ▪ Music ▪ The Birth of Jesus ▪ Death and Resurrection ▪ Jesus and the Fishermen ▪ The Two Roads
The Fils Prodigue ▪ Come Listen, Friend ▪ Who is He? ▪ Come to Jesus For Salvation ▪ From De la Création au Christ ▪ Music ▪ The Birth of Jesus ▪ Death and Resurrection ▪ Jesus and the Fishermen ▪ The Two Roads
5.7 MB
 25′ 31″
Introduction - Music ▪ The House on the Rock ▪ Chorus No 1 ▪ The Heart of Man ▪ Music ▪ The Parable of the Sower ▪ There is Peace on Believing in Jesus ▪ Se libérer de la peur ▪ Like the Rainbow ▪ The Gadarene ▪ Thy Loving Kindness is Better than Life ▪ Choosing the Right Road
Introduction - Music ▪ The House on the Rock ▪ Chorus No 1 ▪ The Heart of Man ▪ Music ▪ The Parable of the Sower ▪ There is Peace on Believing in Jesus ▪ Se libérer de la peur ▪ Like the Rainbow ▪ The Gadarene ▪ Thy Loving Kindness is Better than Life ▪ Choosing the Right Road
5.7 MB
 25′ 25″