Paroles de Vie 2 dans Luba-Lulua

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Stand Up for Jesus ▪ There is a Fountain ▪ The Great Physician ▪ Oh, Happy Day ▪ I am Coming, Lord
Stand Up for Jesus ▪ There is a Fountain ▪ The Great Physician ▪ Oh, Happy Day ▪ I am Coming, Lord
3.5 MB
 15′ 56″
Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross ▪ Shall We Gather at the River? ▪ Pass Me Not ▪ Jesus Loves the Little Children ▪ When He Cometh to Take Up His Jewels
Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross ▪ Shall We Gather at the River? ▪ Pass Me Not ▪ Jesus Loves the Little Children ▪ When He Cometh to Take Up His Jewels
3.5 MB
 15′ 48″