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Becoming a Friend of God dans Utugwang-Irungene-Afrike: Ukwortung
7 MB
86.3 MB
Diaporama Vidéo
Audio Seulement
Creation Story
1 MB
4′ 11″
634 kB
2′ 43″
Jesus Heals and Forgives
777 kB
3′ 1″
God Loves the World
747 kB
3′ 14″
Man Falls
1.1 MB
4′ 29″
Don't Forsake the Lord
751 kB
3′ 14″
The Challenge
1.9 MB
8′ 13″
1.1 MB
4′ 35″
754 kB
3′ 5″
The Birth of Jesus
1.3 MB
5′ 26″
The Call to Repentance
638 kB
2′ 46″
The Gadarene
915 kB
3′ 35″
Christ's Death
542 kB
2′ 23″
Christ's Death and Resurrection
1 MB
4′ 25″
The Call to Repentance
641 kB
2′ 48″