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Words of Life dans Wurkun: Ampandi
4.7 MB
56.1 MB
Diaporama Vidéo
Audio Seulement
Creation Story
966 kB
4′ 1″
God, the Creator, We Are in your Hand
1 MB
4′ 10″
Man Falls
1 MB
4′ 46″
The Birth of Jesus
1.1 MB
5′ 18″
Come to God, He will save you
330 kB
1′ 25″
We Should Walk Together With Jesus
554 kB
2′ 15″
Jesus Heals & Forgives
961 kB
3′ 42″
The Gadarene
645 kB
2′ 59″
Satan, Pack your load and go
599 kB
3′ 1″
Christ's Death & Resurrection
866 kB
3′ 55″
Come to God, He will save you
901 kB
3′ 44″