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God's Story dans Luri, Southern: Mamasani

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God's Creation ▪ The Fall of Humankind ▪ The Broken Family of Cain and Abel ▪ Noah and the Great Flood ▪ The Tower of Babel ▪ The Birth of a Nation, Abraham to Joseph ▪ The Exode ▪ The Ten Commandments ▪ The Prophets Describe the Coming Savior ▪ The Ministry of Jesus Christ ▪ The Betrayal and Crucifixion ▪ The Resurrection to Eternity
God's Creation ▪ The Fall of Humankind ▪ The Broken Family of Cain and Abel ▪ Noah and the Great Flood ▪ The Tower of Babel ▪ The Birth of a Nation, Abraham to Joseph ▪ The Exode ▪ The Ten Commandments ▪ The Prophets Describe the Coming Savior ▪ The Ministry of Jesus Christ ▪ The Betrayal and Crucifixion ▪ The Resurrection to Eternity
3.5 MB
 16′ 19″