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Paroles de Vie - A Caring God dans Kanjari: Kuchbandhi
5.8 MB
64.9 MB
Diaporama Vidéo
Audio Seulement
276 kB
1′ 9″
Sin what is it?
2 MB
8′ 29″
In the name of Jesus we have salvation
754 kB
3′ 9″
Saved by grace
1.5 MB
6′ 9″
God how great is your name
666 kB
2′ 52″
A new nature
1.1 MB
4′ 17″
Jesus come to our heart
934 kB
3′ 53″
The two birth
923 kB
3′ 44″
God will help us in our battle
489 kB
2′ 3″
Death and resurrection
1.2 MB
4′ 54″
In heaven there will be joy
644 kB
2′ 43″
How to worship God
1.5 MB
6′ 4″