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Paroles de Vie 1 dans Sauria Paharia: Litipara

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Audio Seulement

Introduction of word of Life spoken in Hindi
Introduction of word of Life spoken in Hindi
161 kB
God created everything
God created everything
803 kB
 3′ 38″
The creation
The creation
1.3 MB
 5′ 23″
Sin damage our lives
Sin damage our lives
546 kB
 2′ 28″
Small sin great destruction
Small sin great destruction
1.5 MB
 6′ 17″
Jesus saves us from sin
Jesus saves us from sin
782 kB
 3′ 36″
God's great love
God's great love
518 kB
 1′ 53″
Jesus dies on the cross
Jesus dies on the cross
467 kB
 2′ 9″
Death and resurrection
Death and resurrection
1 MB
 4′ 22″
Only those who obey will enter heaven
Only those who obey will enter heaven
686 kB
 3′ 7″
Believe in the True God
Believe in the True God
1.2 MB
 5′ 13″
Be ready to enter into heaven
Be ready to enter into heaven
434 kB
 1′ 55″
Prepare for heaven
Prepare for heaven
1.3 MB
 5′ 17″