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Paroles de Vie Messages and Songs dans Kolami, Southeastern: Metla-Kinwat

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Audio Seulement

You Are Our God ▪ What Is Life? ▪ The Creation and Fall ▪ Behold Jesus ▪ Victory Over Demons ▪ Jesus Gave Life
You Are Our God ▪ What Is Life? ▪ The Creation and Fall ▪ Behold Jesus ▪ Victory Over Demons ▪ Jesus Gave Life
6.5 MB
 29′ 52″
Pray To God ▪ Jesus Is Powerful ▪ Christ Came For us ▪ A New Nature ▪ Jesus Cleans Our Sins ▪ God our Creator ▪ Jesus Loves The World ▪ Choosing the Right Road ▪ Worship the Saviour
Pray To God ▪ Jesus Is Powerful ▪ Christ Came For us ▪ A New Nature ▪ Jesus Cleans Our Sins ▪ God our Creator ▪ Jesus Loves The World ▪ Choosing the Right Road ▪ Worship the Saviour
6.6 MB
 29′ 10″