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The Living Christ - Lessons 3 & 4 dans Chan

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Music ▪ Image 108. The Crucifixion
Music ▪ Image 108. The Crucifixion
745 kB
 2′ 58″
Image 109. The Burial of Jesus
Image 109. The Burial of Jesus
344 kB
 1′ 9″
Image 110. The Women at the Tomb
Image 110. The Women at the Tomb
358 kB
 1′ 14″
Image 111. Peter and Jean at the Empty Tomb
Image 111. Peter and Jean at the Empty Tomb
348 kB
 1′ 11″
Image 112. Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene
Image 112. Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene
444 kB
 1′ 35″
Image 113. Jesus on the Road to Emmaus
Image 113. Jesus on the Road to Emmaus
661 kB
 2′ 36″
Image 114. Jesus Appears to His Disciples
Image 114. Jesus Appears to His Disciples
352 kB
 1′ 11″
Image 115. Jesus Appears to Thomas
Image 115. Jesus Appears to Thomas
417 kB
 1′ 31″
Image 116. Jesus Appears in Galilee
Image 116. Jesus Appears in Galilee
450 kB
 1′ 38″
Image 117. Jesus Commissions His Disciples
Image 117. Jesus Commissions His Disciples
412 kB
 1′ 29″
Image 118. Jesus Ascends into Heaven
Image 118. Jesus Ascends into Heaven
535 kB
 2′ 2″
Image 119. Jesus at God's Right Hand in Heaven
Image 119. Jesus at God's Right Hand in Heaven
460 kB
 1′ 43″
Chant ▪ Introduction ▪ Image 71. Servants Ready for their Master's Return
Chant ▪ Introduction ▪ Image 71. Servants Ready for their Master's Return
1.1 MB
 4′ 50″
Image 93. Jesus Teaches about the End Times
Image 93. Jesus Teaches about the End Times
585 kB
 2′ 13″
Image 94. Parable of the Ten Virgins
Image 94. Parable of the Ten Virgins
607 kB
 2′ 23″
Image 95. Parable of the Talents
Image 95. Parable of the Talents
538 kB
 2′ 4″
Image 96. Parable of the Sheep and the Goats
Image 96. Parable of the Sheep and the Goats
432 kB
 1′ 35″
Image 118. Jesus Ascends into Heaven
Image 118. Jesus Ascends into Heaven
331 kB
 1′ 10″
Image 119. Jesus at God's Right Hand in Heaven
Image 119. Jesus at God's Right Hand in Heaven
369 kB
 1′ 19″
Image 120. Jesus Will Return
Image 120. Jesus Will Return
455 kB
 1′ 49″
448 kB
 2′ 5″