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Cantiques by the Family Umodzi Choir dans Tonga (Nyasa)

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Akhristu limbikani - Onward Christian Soldiers
Akhristu limbikani - Onward Christian Soldiers
584 kB
 2′ 39″
Chisomo chodabwitsa - Amazing Grace
Chisomo chodabwitsa - Amazing Grace
483 kB
 2′ 12″
Lulidiziko labwino - There's a land that's fairer than day
Lulidiziko labwino - There's a land that's fairer than day
845 kB
 3′ 57″
Kwa Yesu ayi - Ochimwa sakalowa - Sinners will not enter
Kwa Yesu ayi - Ochimwa sakalowa - Sinners will not enter
1.4 MB
 6′ 19″
Mbuye ndapangana - Oh Jesus I've promised
Mbuye ndapangana - Oh Jesus I've promised
1.1 MB
 5′ 9″
Mbuye sindisamala - Lord, no matter what
Mbuye sindisamala - Lord, no matter what
893 kB
 4′ 5″
Mzinda woyera - Holy City
Mzinda woyera - Holy City
575 kB
 2′ 34″
(Ndidzayenda mpirira) Gwireni dzanja (Hold my hand)
(Ndidzayenda mpirira) Gwireni dzanja (Hold my hand)
849 kB
 3′ 53″
Ndinda Mulungu wanga - I love the Lord
Ndinda Mulungu wanga - I love the Lord
938 kB
 4′ 11″
Ndili ndi mudzi wina - I have a city
Ndili ndi mudzi wina - I have a city
932 kB
 4′ 14″
Tisamusiye Yesu - Cling to Jesus
Tisamusiye Yesu - Cling to Jesus
1.1 MB
 5′ 7″
Wonyera adzayimba wonse - Saints will sing
Wonyera adzayimba wonse - Saints will sing
793 kB
 3′ 36″
Yesu wanga - Mpumulo kwa olema - Rest to the weary
Yesu wanga - Mpumulo kwa olema - Rest to the weary
982 kB
 4′ 24″