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LLL 2 Mächtige Männer GOTTES (Daghaa Wak'i wa Nguvu) in Ilwana

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D'aabhîlû ya sehemwaa A ♦ Belea bîlî Kitaab'u kya (Einführung ▪ Bild 1. The Two Brothers)
D'aabhîlû ya sehemwaa A ♦ Belea bîlî Kitaab'u kya (Einführung ▪ Bild 1. The Two Brothers)
369 kB
 1′ 25″
Bhiloosa bhya Yak'ûûbhû (Bild 2. Jacob's Dream)
Bhiloosa bhya Yak'ûûbhû (Bild 2. Jacob's Dream)
278 kB
Yak'ûûbhû na Laaban (Bild 3. Jacob and Laban)
Yak'ûûbhû na Laaban (Bild 3. Jacob and Laban)
387 kB
 1′ 24″
Yak'ûûbhû mukukutanee na Wak'i (Bild 4. Jacob Meets God)
Yak'ûûbhû mukukutanee na Wak'i (Bild 4. Jacob Meets God)
393 kB
 1′ 28″
Bhiloosa bhya Yusuufu (Bild 5. Joseph's Dream)
Bhiloosa bhya Yusuufu (Bild 5. Joseph's Dream)
331 kB
 1′ 10″
Yussufu (Bild 6. Joseph is Sold)
Yussufu (Bild 6. Joseph is Sold)
333 kB
 1′ 17″
Yussufu na mûka muwîîwî (Bild 7. Joseph and the Wicked Woman)
Yussufu na mûka muwîîwî (Bild 7. Joseph and the Wicked Woman)
316 kB
 1′ 10″
Yussufu mu kifungooni (Bild 8. Joseph in Prison)
Yussufu mu kifungooni (Bild 8. Joseph in Prison)
446 kB
 1′ 42″
Bhiloosa bhya hayu (Bild 9. The King's Dream)
Bhiloosa bhya hayu (Bild 9. The King's Dream)
354 kB
 1′ 13″
Yussufu Mokolongozee Misiri (Bild 10. Joseph Rules in Egypt)
Yussufu Mokolongozee Misiri (Bild 10. Joseph Rules in Egypt)
370 kB
 1′ 22″
Yussufu utambulishiizwe kwa abeleesa zeyye (Bild 11. Joseph Revealed to His Brothers)
Yussufu utambulishiizwe kwa abeleesa zeyye (Bild 11. Joseph Revealed to His Brothers)
362 kB
 1′ 19″
Yak'ûûbhû na Yussufu wamu Misiri (Bild 12. Jacob and Joseph in Egypt)
Yak'ûûbhû na Yussufu wamu Misiri (Bild 12. Jacob and Joseph in Egypt)
437 kB
 1′ 41″
D'aabhîlû ya sehemwaa B ♦ Muusa mala îî D'aana (Einführung to Part 2 ▪ Bild 13. Baby Moses)
D'aabhîlû ya sehemwaa B ♦ Muusa mala îî D'aana (Einführung to Part 2 ▪ Bild 13. Baby Moses)
452 kB
 1′ 44″
Muusa na buura ikupîîsîkee (Bild 14. Moses and the Burning Bush)
Muusa na buura ikupîîsîkee (Bild 14. Moses and the Burning Bush)
283 kB
Muusa mûkûyee dhini kwa Hayu (Bild 15. Moses Returns to the King)
Muusa mûkûyee dhini kwa Hayu (Bild 15. Moses Returns to the King)
363 kB
 1′ 28″
Ngozyaa dhab'ihu (Bild 16. The Sacrificed Lamb)
Ngozyaa dhab'ihu (Bild 16. The Sacrificed Lamb)
259 kB
Kûlûtîla katîkatî ka b'ahari (Bild 17. Through the Sea)
Kûlûtîla katîkatî ka b'ahari (Bild 17. Through the Sea)
340 kB
 1′ 14″
Bhiitû na maazî j'angweeni (Bild 18. Food and Water in the Desert)
Bhiitû na maazî j'angweeni (Bild 18. Food and Water in the Desert)
285 kB
Muusa mu mulimaa Wak'i dhini (Bild 19. Moses on the Mountain of God)
Muusa mu mulimaa Wak'i dhini (Bild 19. Moses on the Mountain of God)
338 kB
 1′ 16″
Nyoka mûtîîni (Bild 20. The Snake on the Pole)
Nyoka mûtîîni (Bild 20. The Snake on the Pole)
365 kB
 1′ 26″
Yîsu mukulishii dagha (Bild 21. Jesus Feeds the People)
Yîsu mukulishii dagha (Bild 21. Jesus Feeds the People)
313 kB
 1′ 14″
Yîsu muku'alimee na Muusa (Bild 22. Jesus Speaks with Moses)
Yîsu muku'alimee na Muusa (Bild 22. Jesus Speaks with Moses)
275 kB
Yîsu utufilîîle asî (Bild 23. Jesus Died for Us)
Yîsu utufilîîle asî (Bild 23. Jesus Died for Us)
347 kB
 1′ 23″
Yîsu mawinguuni (Bild 24. Jesus in Heaven)
Yîsu mawinguuni (Bild 24. Jesus in Heaven)
361 kB
 1′ 23″