| D'aabhîlû ya sehemwaa A ♦ Belea bîlî Kitaab'u kya (Einführung ▪ Bild 1. The Two Brothers) | |
| Bhiloosa bhya Yak'ûûbhû (Bild 2. Jacob's Dream) | |
| Yak'ûûbhû na Laaban (Bild 3. Jacob and Laban) | |
| Yak'ûûbhû mukukutanee na Wak'i (Bild 4. Jacob Meets God) | |
| Bhiloosa bhya Yusuufu (Bild 5. Joseph's Dream) | |
| Yussufu (Bild 6. Joseph is Sold) | |
| Yussufu na mûka muwîîwî (Bild 7. Joseph and the Wicked Woman) | |
| Yussufu mu kifungooni (Bild 8. Joseph in Prison) | |
| Bhiloosa bhya hayu (Bild 9. The King's Dream) | |
| Yussufu Mokolongozee Misiri (Bild 10. Joseph Rules in Egypt) | |
| Yussufu utambulishiizwe kwa abeleesa zeyye (Bild 11. Joseph Revealed to His Brothers) | |
| Yak'ûûbhû na Yussufu wamu Misiri (Bild 12. Jacob and Joseph in Egypt) | |
| D'aabhîlû ya sehemwaa B ♦ Muusa mala îî D'aana (Einführung to Part 2 ▪ Bild 13. Baby Moses) | |
| Muusa na buura ikupîîsîkee (Bild 14. Moses and the Burning Bush) | |
| Muusa mûkûyee dhini kwa Hayu (Bild 15. Moses Returns to the King) | |
| Ngozyaa dhab'ihu (Bild 16. The Sacrificed Lamb) | |
| Kûlûtîla katîkatî ka b'ahari (Bild 17. Through the Sea) | |
| Bhiitû na maazî j'angweeni (Bild 18. Food and Water in the Desert) | |
| Muusa mu mulimaa Wak'i dhini (Bild 19. Moses on the Mountain of God) | |
| Nyoka mûtîîni (Bild 20. The Snake on the Pole) | |
| Yîsu mukulishii dagha (Bild 21. Jesus Feeds the People) | |
| Yîsu muku'alimee na Muusa (Bild 22. Jesus Speaks with Moses) | |
| Yîsu utufilîîle asî (Bild 23. Jesus Died for Us) | |
| Yîsu mawinguuni (Bild 24. Jesus in Heaven) | |