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LLL 7 JESUS - Herr & Erlöser (Yesu ni Bwana na Mwokozi) in Makonde

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Ulongoledi ♦ Kuvalekwa kwanga Yesu (Einführung ▪ Bild 1. The Birth of Jesus)
Ulongoledi ♦ Kuvalekwa kwanga Yesu (Einführung ▪ Bild 1. The Birth of Jesus)
531 kB
 2′ 14″
Yesu abadili Medi Kuva Divai (Bild 2. Jesus Turns Water into Wine)
Yesu abadili Medi Kuva Divai (Bild 2. Jesus Turns Water into Wine)
225 kB
Yesu alenjela na Nikodemo (Bild 3. Jesus Speaks to Nicodemus)
Yesu alenjela na Nikodemo (Bild 3. Jesus Speaks to Nicodemus)
227 kB
Diwani ampilikila Yesu Magoti (Bild 4. A Ruler Kneels before Jesus)
Diwani ampilikila Yesu Magoti (Bild 4. A Ruler Kneels before Jesus)
247 kB
Mgonjwa achikalala Pachihima (Bild 5. The Sick Man at the Pool)
Mgonjwa achikalala Pachihima (Bild 5. The Sick Man at the Pool)
265 kB
Yesu avalisha Vanu Elfu Tano (Bild 6. Jesus Feeds 5000 People)
Yesu avalisha Vanu Elfu Tano (Bild 6. Jesus Feeds 5000 People)
297 kB
 1′ 12″
Yesu Ahena Muha Medi (Bild 7. Jesus Walks on the Water)
Yesu Ahena Muha Medi (Bild 7. Jesus Walks on the Water)
246 kB
Yesu Amponya Munu Kipofu (Bild 8. Jesus Heals a Blind Man)
Yesu Amponya Munu Kipofu (Bild 8. Jesus Heals a Blind Man)
277 kB
 1′ 7″
Yesu Amchema Lazaro Kuhuma Mnikaburi (Bild 9. Jesus Calls Lazarus from Death)
Yesu Amchema Lazaro Kuhuma Mnikaburi (Bild 9. Jesus Calls Lazarus from Death)
315 kB
 1′ 14″
Yesu Anihinwa Mumsalaba (Bild 10. Jesus Dies on the Cross)
Yesu Anihinwa Mumsalaba (Bild 10. Jesus Dies on the Cross)
271 kB
 1′ 5″
Mariamu na Yesu Palikabuli (Bild 11. Mary and Jesus at the Tomb)
Mariamu na Yesu Palikabuli (Bild 11. Mary and Jesus at the Tomb)
304 kB
 1′ 12″
Yesu Akujana na Vanafunzi Vake (Bild 12. Jesus Appears to His Friends)
Yesu Akujana na Vanafunzi Vake (Bild 12. Jesus Appears to His Friends)
296 kB
 1′ 5″
Ulongoledi - Yesu ni Mwokozi ♦ Yesu avafundisha Marafiki Vavili (Einführung to Part 2 ▪ Bild 13. Jesus Teaches Two Friends)
Ulongoledi - Yesu ni Mwokozi ♦ Yesu avafundisha Marafiki Vavili (Einführung to Part 2 ▪ Bild 13. Jesus Teaches Two Friends)
382 kB
 1′ 37″
Kijana Achiishi na Vanguluve (Bild 14. The Son Among the Pigs)
Kijana Achiishi na Vanguluve (Bild 14. The Son Among the Pigs)
232 kB
Mwana Mpotevu auya Kwao (Bild 15. Der verlorene Sohn Comes Home)
Mwana Mpotevu auya Kwao (Bild 15. Der verlorene Sohn Comes Home)
268 kB
 1′ 2″
Utajiri wanga Munutajiri (Bild 16. The Wealth of a Rich Man)
Utajiri wanga Munutajiri (Bild 16. The Wealth of a Rich Man)
302 kB
 1′ 8″
Mkuyuwa na Tajiri (Bild 17. The Beggar and the Rich Man)
Mkuyuwa na Tajiri (Bild 17. The Beggar and the Rich Man)
313 kB
 1′ 13″
Rafiki ave Pannango (Bild 18. The Friend at the Door)
Rafiki ave Pannango (Bild 18. The Friend at the Door)
301 kB
 1′ 13″
Vanu Vavili Mnyumba (Bild 19. Two Men in God's House)
Vanu Vavili Mnyumba (Bild 19. Two Men in God's House)
259 kB
 1′ 2″
Mpanzi apani Jimbeyu (Bild 20. A Man Sows His Seed)
Mpanzi apani Jimbeyu (Bild 20. A Man Sows His Seed)
248 kB
Jimbayu Mkukuhumuka (Bild 21. The Seed Grows)
Jimbayu Mkukuhumuka (Bild 21. The Seed Grows)
296 kB
 1′ 16″
Kumsaidila Munu Vammumizije (Bild 22. Help for an Injured Man)
Kumsaidila Munu Vammumizije (Bild 22. Help for an Injured Man)
277 kB
 1′ 2″
Mwene Nyumba Pauya (Bild 23. The House Owner Comes Home)
Mwene Nyumba Pauya (Bild 23. The House Owner Comes Home)
253 kB
Munu Munnandi (Bild 24. The Man up a Tree)
Munu Munnandi (Bild 24. The Man up a Tree)
396 kB
 1′ 36″