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Jesus, The Gift For All dans Gumuz: Gesso
4.4 MB
19.7 MB
Diaporama Vidéo
Audio Seulement
Are you going to heaven?
815 kB
3′ 52″
The lost sheep
635 kB
3′ 0″
Creation and fall
684 kB
3′ 12″
Prière is talking to God
593 kB
2′ 41″
Death and resurrection
774 kB
3′ 31″
The heart of man
717 kB
3′ 11″
Choosing the right road
940 kB
4′ 19″
The rich man and Lazarus
795 kB
3′ 43″
Clean heart
913 kB
4′ 30″
Can God forgive sin?
1 MB
4′ 49″
The death of Jesus is a gift to us
443 kB
1′ 52″