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After the Earthquake (भुकम्प पछि) dans Nepali: Kathmandu

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Whom shall I tell my sorrows,.....
Whom shall I tell my sorrows,.....
1 MB
 4′ 49″
After the Earthquake
After the Earthquake
1.8 MB
 8′ 31″
One Born Blind
One Born Blind
627 kB
 2′ 50″
The Story of Job
The Story of Job
554 kB
 2′ 26″
The Pain of Jesus - part 1
The Pain of Jesus - part 1
666 kB
 2′ 51″
Jesus died for sinners ▪ The Pain of Jesus - part 2
Jesus died for sinners ▪ The Pain of Jesus - part 2
1.4 MB
 6′ 23″
Father and His Two Sons (with Chant interlude)
Father and His Two Sons (with Chant interlude)
2.6 MB
 11′ 58″
306 kB
 1′ 17″
I've decided to follow Jesus (Nepali Hymns 376)
I've decided to follow Jesus (Nepali Hymns 376)
627 kB
 3′ 0″