LLL 3 Victory through GOD (LLL 3: Ovuhiiri Ohuvitiraa Munyasaye) in Samia

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Okhuchaka ♦ Joshua Akhuyana Nende Avatende (Introduction ▪ Picture 1. Joshua Fights The Amalekites)
Okhuchaka ♦ Joshua Akhuyana Nende Avatende (Introduction ▪ Picture 1. Joshua Fights The Amalekites)
539 kB
 2′ 33″
Evakharirisa Nende Evyamo Evya Canan (Picture 2. The Spies with the Fruit of Canaan)
Evakharirisa Nende Evyamo Evya Canan (Picture 2. The Spies with the Fruit of Canaan)
437 kB
 2′ 5″
Avaandu Ava Israel Vaambuha Omwaloo (Picture 3. The People of Israel Cross the River)
Avaandu Ava Israel Vaambuha Omwaloo (Picture 3. The People of Israel Cross the River)
411 kB
 1′ 46″
Evidaa Evia-Jerico Vikwaa Aasii (Picture 4. The Walls of Jericho Fall Down)
Evidaa Evia-Jerico Vikwaa Aasii (Picture 4. The Walls of Jericho Fall Down)
389 kB
 1′ 37″
Ava-Israel Vevuhaa (Picture 5. Israel Flees from Ai)
Ava-Israel Vevuhaa (Picture 5. Israel Flees from Ai)
364 kB
 1′ 33″
Ovwamurii Ovwa Achani (Picture 6. The Judgment of Achan)
Ovwamurii Ovwa Achani (Picture 6. The Judgment of Achan)
392 kB
 1′ 44″
Eriuvaa Nende Omwoosii Viakamaa Ohuvo-dohana (Picture 7. The Sun and the Moon Stand Still)
Eriuvaa Nende Omwoosii Viakamaa Ohuvo-dohana (Picture 7. The Sun and the Moon Stand Still)
369 kB
 1′ 34″
Jashua Alagira Avaanduu (Picture 8. Joshua Instructs the People)
Jashua Alagira Avaanduu (Picture 8. Joshua Instructs the People)
493 kB
 2′ 13″
Deborah Alomalomeraa Nyasaye (Picture 9. Deborah Speaks for God)
Deborah Alomalomeraa Nyasaye (Picture 9. Deborah Speaks for God)
437 kB
 2′ 0″
Nyasaye Ohonyereraa Ohuhwirwa Ohwa Sisera (Picture 10. God Helps Defeat Sisera)
Nyasaye Ohonyereraa Ohuhwirwa Ohwa Sisera (Picture 10. God Helps Defeat Sisera)
382 kB
 1′ 34″
Joel Amwitaa Sisera (Picture 11. Jael Kills Sisera)
Joel Amwitaa Sisera (Picture 11. Jael Kills Sisera)
338 kB
 1′ 33″
Avaanduu Ava Israel Nende Esangaloo (Picture 12. Israel Celebrates)
Avaanduu Ava Israel Nende Esangaloo (Picture 12. Israel Celebrates)
527 kB
 2′ 24″
Okhuchaka 2 ♦ Gidion Nende Malaika Aka Nyasaye (Introduction to Part 2 ▪ Picture 13. Gideon And The Angel Of God)
Okhuchaka 2 ♦ Gidion Nende Malaika Aka Nyasaye (Introduction to Part 2 ▪ Picture 13. Gideon And The Angel Of God)
559 kB
 2′ 34″
Gidioni Anyasaa Evifwananii (Picture 14. Gideon Destroys The Idols)
Gidioni Anyasaa Evifwananii (Picture 14. Gideon Destroys The Idols)
329 kB
 1′ 25″
Avamayee Ava Gidion Vang'waa Amaachii (Picture 15. Gideon's Army Drinks The Water)
Avamayee Ava Gidion Vang'waa Amaachii (Picture 15. Gideon's Army Drinks The Water)
371 kB
 1′ 41″
Avasachaa Ava Gidion Vavodohana Eviumbahe Evia-vyamidiani (Picture 16. Gideon's Men Surround The Camp Of Midian)
Avasachaa Ava Gidion Vavodohana Eviumbahe Evia-vyamidiani (Picture 16. Gideon's Men Surround The Camp Of Midian)
461 kB
 2′ 0″
Samson Yeeta Esimba (Picture 17. Samson Kills A Lion)
Samson Yeeta Esimba (Picture 17. Samson Kills A Lion)
460 kB
 2′ 8″
Samson Nende Eng'uu Echiiya (Picture 18. Samson And The Burning Foxes)
Samson Nende Eng'uu Echiiya (Picture 18. Samson And The Burning Foxes)
335 kB
 1′ 27″
Avaandaa Avovu-Philipinoo Vaveeka Samson (Picture 19. The Philistines Cut Samson's Hair)
Avaandaa Avovu-Philipinoo Vaveeka Samson (Picture 19. The Philistines Cut Samson's Hair)
349 kB
 1′ 32″
Samson Asakandia Ava-Philipinoo (Picture 20. Samson Destroys The Philistines)
Samson Asakandia Ava-Philipinoo (Picture 20. Samson Destroys The Philistines)
456 kB
 1′ 59″
Yesu Atusaa Erwanyi Evihienoo (Picture 21. Jesus Drives Out Evil Spirits)
Yesu Atusaa Erwanyi Evihienoo (Picture 21. Jesus Drives Out Evil Spirits)
347 kB
 1′ 32″
Omuwonia Yeesu Atusaa Avasacha Avamavii (Picture 22. Jesus Drives Out Evil Men)
Omuwonia Yeesu Atusaa Avasacha Avamavii (Picture 22. Jesus Drives Out Evil Men)
426 kB
 1′ 56″
Omuwonia Yeesu Ari Omulamu Baada Eyofwa (Picture 23. Jesus Is Alive After Death)
Omuwonia Yeesu Ari Omulamu Baada Eyofwa (Picture 23. Jesus Is Alive After Death)
411 kB
 2′ 1″
Avaskari Ava Nyasaye (Picture 24. The Soldier For God)
Avaskari Ava Nyasaye (Picture 24. The Soldier For God)
528 kB
 2′ 41″