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Stories of Jesus (Jesus Akinhagü) in Kuikuro

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Jesus Zagueu Ake / Jesus e Zaqueu (Jesus and Zacchaeus)
Jesus Zagueu Ake / Jesus e Zaqueu (Jesus and Zacchaeus)
516 kB
 2′ 24″
Ganta itene /Parábola do Semeador (Parable of the seeder)
Ganta itene /Parábola do Semeador (Parable of the seeder)
657 kB
 3′ 6″
Jesus heke tingimü gü hekutepügu ititüha Bartimeu / Jesus cura o cego Bartimeu (Jesus heals the blind Bartimaeus)
Jesus heke tingimü gü hekutepügu ititüha Bartimeu / Jesus cura o cego Bartimeu (Jesus heals the blind Bartimaeus)
564 kB
 2′ 34″
Kaküngi Kanga / A grande pesca (The great fishing)
Kaküngi Kanga / A grande pesca (The great fishing)
572 kB
 2′ 36″
Lázaro Inguhepugu / Jesus faz Lazaro viver (Jesus makes lazarus live again)
Lázaro Inguhepugu / Jesus faz Lazaro viver (Jesus makes lazarus live again)
875 kB
 4′ 1″