| 소개 | |
| Gambar 1. Kelahiran Yesus (그림 1. The Birth of Jesus) | |
| Gambar 2. Yesus Mengubah Araik Menjadi Anggur (그림 2. Jesus Turns Water into Wine) | |
| Gambar 3. Yesus Bapandir Agan Nikodemus (그림 3. Jesus Speaks to Nicodemus) | |
| Gambar 4. Seuyang Pembosar pemerintahan Berlutut dihadapan Yesus (그림 4. A Ruler Kneels before Jesus) | |
| Gambar 5 Uyang sakit dekat Kolam (그림 5. The Sick Man at the Pool) | |
| Gambar 6 Yesus Mo'onji'i pemaka'n 5000 Uyang (그림 6. Jesus Feeds 5000 People) | |
| Gambar 7 Yesus Menggaso di pucuk Araik (그림 7. Jesus Walks on the Water) | |
| Gambar 8 Yesus Mengubati Uyang buto (그림 8. Jesus Heals a Blind Man) | |
| Gambar 9 Yesus Menghidup'an Lazarus (그림 9. Jesus Calls Lazarus from Death) | |
| Gambar 10 Yesus Mati Di kayu Salib (그림 10. Jesus Dies on the Cross) | |
| Gambar 11 Maria Botomu Yesus Di pekuburan (그림 11. Mary and Jesus at the Tomb) | |
| Gambar 12 Yesus Menampa'an Dirinyo Boko Kawal kawalnyo (그림 12. Jesus Appears to His Friends) | |
| Gambar 13 Yesus Mengajari 2 urang kawalnyo (그림 13. Jesus Teaches Two Friends) | |
| Gambar 14 Seuyang anak ronik diantara babi babi (그림 14. The Son Among the Pigs) | |
| Gambar 15 Anak yang Hilang (그림 15. 잃어버린 아들 Comes Home) | |
| Gambar 16 Boko kekayaan Seuyang yang kaya raya (그림 16. The Wealth of a Rich Man) | |
| Gambar 17 Uyang minta minta dan uyang kayo rayo (그림 17. The Beggar and the Rich Man) | |
| Gambar 18 Seorang Kawal yang mengetuk Pintu (그림 18. The Friend at the Door) | |
| Gambar 19 Duo Uyang didalam Bait Allah (그림 19. Two Men in God's House) | |
| Gambar 20 Seeuyang menabur benih (그림 20. A Man Sows His Seed) | |
| Gambar 21Benih benih bertumbuh (그림 21. The Seed Grows) | |
| Gambar 22 Pertolongan untuk uyak uyak terluko (그림 22. Help for an Injured Man) | |
| Gambar 23 Tuan Pemilik rumah kembali kerumahnyo (그림 23. The House Owner Comes Home) | |
| Gambar 24 Ada Uyang dipucuk pohon (그림 24. The Man up a Tree) | |