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LLL 8 Actes du SAINT ESPRIT (Дела Светога Духа) dans Serbe

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Actes of the HOLY SPIRIT part 1
Actes of the HOLY SPIRIT part 1
284 kB
 1′ 9″
Actes of the HOLY SPIRIT part 2
Actes of the HOLY SPIRIT part 2
184 kB
Actes of the HOLY SPIRIT part 3
Actes of the HOLY SPIRIT part 3
253 kB
 1′ 2″
Actes of the HOLY SPIRIT part 4
Actes of the HOLY SPIRIT part 4
249 kB
Actes of the HOLY SPIRIT part 5
Actes of the HOLY SPIRIT part 5
216 kB
Actes of the HOLY SPIRIT part 6
Actes of the HOLY SPIRIT part 6
267 kB
 1′ 6″
Actes of the HOLY SPIRIT part 7
Actes of the HOLY SPIRIT part 7
242 kB
Actes of the HOLY SPIRIT part 8
Actes of the HOLY SPIRIT part 8
289 kB
 1′ 12″
Actes of the HOLY SPIRIT part 9
Actes of the HOLY SPIRIT part 9
201 kB
Actes of the HOLY SPIRIT part 10
Actes of the HOLY SPIRIT part 10
292 kB
 1′ 13″
Actes of the HOLY SPIRIT part 11
Actes of the HOLY SPIRIT part 11
186 kB
Actes of the HOLY SPIRIT part 12
Actes of the HOLY SPIRIT part 12
257 kB
 1′ 2″
Actes of the HOLY SPIRIT part 13
Actes of the HOLY SPIRIT part 13
252 kB
 1′ 2″
Actes of the HOLY SPIRIT part 14
Actes of the HOLY SPIRIT part 14
206 kB
Actes of the HOLY SPIRIT part 15
Actes of the HOLY SPIRIT part 15
227 kB
Actes of the HOLY SPIRIT part 16
Actes of the HOLY SPIRIT part 16
298 kB
 1′ 20″
Actes of the HOLY SPIRIT part 17
Actes of the HOLY SPIRIT part 17
243 kB
 1′ 1″
Actes of the HOLY SPIRIT part 18
Actes of the HOLY SPIRIT part 18
291 kB
 1′ 15″
Actes of the HOLY SPIRIT part 19
Actes of the HOLY SPIRIT part 19
239 kB
 1′ 0″
Actes of the HOLY SPIRIT part 20
Actes of the HOLY SPIRIT part 20
234 kB
Actes of the HOLY SPIRIT part 21
Actes of the HOLY SPIRIT part 21
223 kB
Actes of the HOLY SPIRIT part 22
Actes of the HOLY SPIRIT part 22
213 kB
Actes of the HOLY SPIRIT part 23
Actes of the HOLY SPIRIT part 23
199 kB
Actes of the HOLY SPIRIT part 24
Actes of the HOLY SPIRIT part 24
301 kB
 1′ 22″