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God and Laws (Yansi Ye Doka Tasi) in Kariya: Wudufa

6.5 MB
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God knows where you are
God knows where you are
180 kB
In yafi yu va wusuwa? (Forgive My Brother?)
In yafi yu va wusuwa? (Forgive My Brother?)
1.7 MB
 8′ 45″
Wathisin samba se tema mbasiya (Small Sin, Big Damage)
Wathisin samba se tema mbasiya (Small Sin, Big Damage)
1.2 MB
 5′ 53″
Wer (Tradition)
Wer (Tradition)
933 kB
 4′ 26″
I will give Jesus my heart
I will give Jesus my heart
329 kB
 1′ 25″
Wa gisu vi kwa mba sou wom tsai tsam huhuva (Do Not Welcome Evil in Your Heart)
Wa gisu vi kwa mba sou wom tsai tsam huhuva (Do Not Welcome Evil in Your Heart)
803 kB
 3′ 43″
Ma iya vurtha ki guva? (Can We Escape?)
Ma iya vurtha ki guva? (Can We Escape?)
1.1 MB
 5′ 38″
Christians be like Christ
Christians be like Christ
463 kB
 2′ 6″
Yinsi ye doka tasi (God and Laws)
Yinsi ye doka tasi (God and Laws)
1.1 MB
 5′ 51″
Believers don't be found wanting
Believers don't be found wanting
499 kB
 2′ 13″
Gerhi ama ta duna (The Way to Heaven)
Gerhi ama ta duna (The Way to Heaven)
803 kB
 3′ 49″
Gesin gnsi wa kagaskiya tsai tsang guhu (Repent and Believe)
Gesin gnsi wa kagaskiya tsai tsang guhu (Repent and Believe)
1.4 MB
 6′ 44″
Go and spread the gospel
Go and spread the gospel
641 kB
 2′ 48″