41. Mark in Tsumkwe Ju/'hoansi

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2. Jesus Forgives and Heals a Paralysed Man, Mark 2:1-12
2. Jesus Forgives and Heals a Paralysed Man, Mark 2:1-12
425 kB
 2′ 15″
Jesus dryf baie onrein geeste uit 'n man, Markus 5:1-20 (Jesus drives many unclean spirits out of a man, Mark 5:1-20)
Jesus dryf baie onrein geeste uit 'n man, Markus 5:1-20 (Jesus drives many unclean spirits out of a man, Mark 5:1-20)
624 kB
 3′ 21″
9. Jesus heals a demon-posessed boy, Mark 9:14-29
9. Jesus heals a demon-posessed boy, Mark 9:14-29
585 kB
 3′ 11″
10.Jesus & the little children, Mark 10:13-16
10.Jesus & the little children, Mark 10:13-16
151 kB
Jesus ry Jerusalem op 'n donkie binne, Markus 11 1-11 (Jesus enters Jerusalem on a donkey, Mark 11:1-11)
Jesus ry Jerusalem op 'n donkie binne, Markus 11 1-11 (Jesus enters Jerusalem on a donkey, Mark 11:1-11)
476 kB
 2′ 9″
12. The Widow's Offering, Mark 12:41-44
12. The Widow's Offering, Mark 12:41-44
198 kB
 1′ 2″