LLL 3 Victory through GOD (Ezhara Ecenna, emmaga payda an kawa) in Wandala: Gamargu

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Huda-aaha a zhaga dan fuwe ge waya (Introduction & Picture 1: Joshua Fights The Amalekites)
Huda-aaha a zhaga dan fuwe ge waya (Introduction & Picture 1: Joshua Fights The Amalekites)
539 kB
 2′ 14″
Tara Nawmi antara Rute eptsarertsa (Picture 2. The Spies with the Fruit of Canaan)
Tara Nawmi antara Rute eptsarertsa (Picture 2. The Spies with the Fruit of Canaan)
439 kB
 1′ 35″
Rute a ja gawashaya am fahe (Picture 3. The People of Israel Cross the River)
Rute a ja gawashaya am fahe (Picture 3. The People of Israel Cross the River)
469 kB
 1′ 43″
Tara Rute antar Boaz tam fahe (Picture 4. The Walls of Jericho Fall Down)
Tara Rute antar Boaz tam fahe (Picture 4. The Walls of Jericho Fall Down)
403 kB
 1′ 28″
Boaz tan male-aaha emnde a Bethleheme (Picture 5. Israel Flees from Ai)
Boaz tan male-aaha emnde a Bethleheme (Picture 5. Israel Flees from Ai)
356 kB
 1′ 22″
Mari tan Malika Yaka daada (Picture 6. The Judgment of Achan)
Mari tan Malika Yaka daada (Picture 6. The Judgment of Achan)
359 kB
 1′ 20″
Hanna a yala Dadaamiya (Picture 7. The Sun and the Moon Stand Still)
Hanna a yala Dadaamiya (Picture 7. The Sun and the Moon Stand Still)
317 kB
 1′ 8″
Samiyel egdzere am mashidiya (Picture 8. Joshua Instructs the People)
Samiyel egdzere am mashidiya (Picture 8. Joshua Instructs the People)
445 kB
 1′ 38″
Samiyel a yala dadaamiyala adaba emnede a Isra ila (Picture 9. Deborah Speaks for God)
Samiyel a yala dadaamiyala adaba emnede a Isra ila (Picture 9. Deborah Speaks for God)
415 kB
 1′ 36″
Samiyel a puwar waye sleksine ge Sawlu (Picture 10. God Helps Defeat Sisera)
Samiyel a puwar waye sleksine ge Sawlu (Picture 10. God Helps Defeat Sisera)
300 kB
Sawlu a tatanahe nanyuwa ge Samiyel (Picture 11. Jael Kills Sisera)
Sawlu a tatanahe nanyuwa ge Samiyel (Picture 11. Jael Kills Sisera)
354 kB
 1′ 22″
Yesu am tcheuntche (Picture 12. Israel Celebrates)
Yesu am tcheuntche (Picture 12. Israel Celebrates)
480 kB
 1′ 50″
Dawda suni midala dawalire (Picture 13. Gideon And The Angel Of God)
Dawda suni midala dawalire (Picture 13. Gideon And The Angel Of God)
406 kB
 1′ 32″
Dawda tan sle gwarda (Picture 14. Gideon Destroys The Idols)
Dawda tan sle gwarda (Picture 14. Gideon Destroys The Idols)
375 kB
 1′ 26″
Saulu a kata ja shifa Dawda (Picture 15. Gideon's Army Drinks The Water)
Saulu a kata ja shifa Dawda (Picture 15. Gideon's Army Drinks The Water)
360 kB
 1′ 19″
Dawda a Zan varhe ge Sawlu (Picture 16. Gideon's Men Surround The Camp Of Midian)
Dawda a Zan varhe ge Sawlu (Picture 16. Gideon's Men Surround The Camp Of Midian)
435 kB
 1′ 35″
Dawda gavge slekse (Picture 17. Samson Kills A Lion)
Dawda gavge slekse (Picture 17. Samson Kills A Lion)
397 kB
 1′ 28″
Dawda tan Bath sheba (Picture 18. Samson And The Burning Foxes)
Dawda tan Bath sheba (Picture 18. Samson And The Burning Foxes)
291 kB
 1′ 1″
Tchurtche palle ge dadaamiyala (Picture 19. The Philistines Cut Samson's Hair)
Tchurtche palle ge dadaamiyala (Picture 19. The Philistines Cut Samson's Hair)
361 kB
 1′ 21″
Yesu a eptsa a dem urusalima (Picture 20. Samson Destroys The Philistines)
Yesu a eptsa a dem urusalima (Picture 20. Samson Destroys The Philistines)
377 kB
 1′ 21″
Yiya-aaha ta gela Eliya (Picture 21. Jesus Drives Out Evil Spirits)
Yiya-aaha ta gela Eliya (Picture 21. Jesus Drives Out Evil Spirits)
308 kB
 1′ 9″
Eliya antara kara dadaamiya (Picture 22. Jesus Drives Out Evil Men)
Eliya antara kara dadaamiya (Picture 22. Jesus Drives Out Evil Men)
295 kB
 1′ 0″
Eliya zlazlala a dem Samaya (Picture 23. Jesus Is Alive After Death)
Eliya zlazlala a dem Samaya (Picture 23. Jesus Is Alive After Death)
342 kB
 1′ 20″
Tara Eliya tan Yesu ira Mussa (Picture 24. The Soldier For God)
Tara Eliya tan Yesu ira Mussa (Picture 24. The Soldier For God)
574 kB
 2′ 18″