Hello! Welcome. What you are about to hear are some of the most important words you will ever hear. It is good news for everyone.

LLL 7 JESUS - Lord & Saviour (Jeju ne ku​bê me axwebê amiwỳr meo akẽxdjwỳnh ne kam ajte kubê Bẽnjadjwỳr djwỳnh) in Kayapo

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Introdução (Introduction)
Introdução (Introduction)
150 kB
Story 1 /Jeju rwỳk ‘ã ujarẽnh ne ja (Picture 1. The Birth of Jesus)
Story 1 /Jeju rwỳk ‘ã ujarẽnh ne ja (Picture 1. The Birth of Jesus)
842 kB
 3′ 10″
Story 2/Jeju kute mỳjja pumũnh kêt nhipêx krax ne ja (Picture 2. Jesus Turns Water into Wine)
Story 2/Jeju kute mỳjja pumũnh kêt nhipêx krax ne ja (Picture 2. Jesus Turns Water into Wine)
537 kB
 2′ 1″
Story 3/Jeju kute Nikodemumã umar djà ny ‘ã ujarẽnh (Picture 3. Jesus Speaks to Nicodemus)
Story 3/Jeju kute Nikodemumã umar djà ny ‘ã ujarẽnh (Picture 3. Jesus Speaks to Nicodemus)
447 kB
 1′ 41″
Story 4 /Jeju kute amybỳm bẽnjadjwỳr krao mex ‘ã ujarẽnh (Picture 4. A Ruler Kneels before Jesus)
Story 4 /Jeju kute amybỳm bẽnjadjwỳr krao mex ‘ã ujarẽnh (Picture 4. A Ruler Kneels before Jesus)
620 kB
 2′ 25″
Story 5/Ngôbê Bexada mỳrri ne me’õ punu nõr ‘ã ujarẽnh (Picture 5. The Sick Man at the Pool)
Story 5/Ngôbê Bexada mỳrri ne me’õ punu nõr ‘ã ujarẽnh (Picture 5. The Sick Man at the Pool)
825 kB
 3′ 17″
Story 6/Jeju kute tepmẽ djwỳo me krãptĩo djuw mex (Picture 6. Jesus Feeds 5000 People)
Story 6/Jeju kute tepmẽ djwỳo me krãptĩo djuw mex (Picture 6. Jesus Feeds 5000 People)
524 kB
 2′ 3″
Story 7/Jeju ne ngô’ã tẽm (Picture 7. Jesus Walks on the Water)
Story 7/Jeju ne ngô’ã tẽm (Picture 7. Jesus Walks on the Water)
656 kB
 2′ 36″
Story 8/Jeju kute me’õ adjàkamã no rãjao mex ‘ã ujarẽnh (Picture 8. Jesus Heals a Blind Man)
Story 8/Jeju kute me’õ adjàkamã no rãjao mex ‘ã ujarẽnh (Picture 8. Jesus Heals a Blind Man)
667 kB
 2′ 44″
Story 9/Radjaru akubyn tĩn ‘ã ujarẽnh (Picture 9. Jesus Calls Lazarus from Death)
Story 9/Radjaru akubyn tĩn ‘ã ujarẽnh (Picture 9. Jesus Calls Lazarus from Death)
1.1 MB
 4′ 32″
Story 10/Jeju tyk ‘ã ujarẽnh ne ja (Picture 10. Jesus Dies on the Cross)
Story 10/Jeju tyk ‘ã ujarẽnh ne ja (Picture 10. Jesus Dies on the Cross)
483 kB
 1′ 58″
Story 11 /Jeju tyk ne akubyn tĩn ‘ã ujarẽnh ne ja (Picture 11. Mary and Jesus at the Tomb)
Story 11 /Jeju tyk ne akubyn tĩn ‘ã ujarẽnh ne ja (Picture 11. Mary and Jesus at the Tomb)
910 kB
 3′ 42″
Story 12/Kôt ba djwỳnhmã kute amijo amirĩt kadjy ne ja (Picture 12. Jesus Appears to His Friends)
Story 12/Kôt ba djwỳnhmã kute amijo amirĩt kadjy ne ja (Picture 12. Jesus Appears to His Friends)
1.3 MB
 5′ 44″
Story 13/Imau ‘ỳr Jejukôt ba djwỳnh tẽ nhym ar nokam amirĩt kadjy ne ja (Picture 13. Jesus Teaches Two Friends)
Story 13/Imau ‘ỳr Jejukôt ba djwỳnh tẽ nhym ar nokam amirĩt kadjy ne ja (Picture 13. Jesus Teaches Two Friends)
1 MB
 4′ 26″
Story 14/Me’õ kra biknor ‘ã ujarẽnh ne ja (Picture 14. The Son Among the Pigs)
Story 14/Me’õ kra biknor ‘ã ujarẽnh ne ja (Picture 14. The Son Among the Pigs)
418 kB
 1′ 34″
Story 15/Me’õ kra biknorja ne akubyn bãm ‘ỳr akẽx kadjy ne ja (Picture 15. The Lost Son Comes Home)
Story 15/Me’õ kra biknorja ne akubyn bãm ‘ỳr akẽx kadjy ne ja (Picture 15. The Lost Son Comes Home)
456 kB
 1′ 49″
Story 16/Me’õ nhõ mỳjja rax ‘ã ujarẽnh ne ja (Picture 16. The Wealth of a Rich Man)
Story 16/Me’õ nhõ mỳjja rax ‘ã ujarẽnh ne ja (Picture 16. The Wealth of a Rich Man)
426 kB
 1′ 29″
Story 17/Me’õ nhõ nêkrêx kumexmẽ me’õ bikẽnh ã ujarẽnh (Picture 17. The Beggar and the Rich Man)
Story 17/Me’õ nhõ nêkrêx kumexmẽ me’õ bikẽnh ã ujarẽnh (Picture 17. The Beggar and the Rich Man)
1.3 MB
 5′ 31″
Story 18/Me’õ kute akamàt kô ipôkri ne djwỳ’ã õbikwa ‘wỳro ku’ê nhym arỳm kum õr (Picture 18. The Friend at the Door)
Story 18/Me’õ kute akamàt kô ipôkri ne djwỳ’ã õbikwa ‘wỳro ku’ê nhym arỳm kum õr (Picture 18. The Friend at the Door)
297 kB
 1′ 3″
Story 19/ Me’õ ar amãnhkrut kute Metĩnhdjwỳnhmã amijarẽnhmã (Picture 19. Two Men in God's House)
Story 19/ Me’õ ar amãnhkrut kute Metĩnhdjwỳnhmã amijarẽnhmã (Picture 19. Two Men in God's House)
507 kB
 1′ 58″
Story 20/Bàygogo ‘y ‘ã ujarẽnh (Picture 20. A Man Sows His Seed)
Story 20/Bàygogo ‘y ‘ã ujarẽnh (Picture 20. A Man Sows His Seed)
320 kB
 1′ 13″
Story 21/Apỹnh pyka djàri ‘ã ne me umar djà jakre (Picture 21. The Seed Grows)
Story 21/Apỹnh pyka djàri ‘ã ne me umar djà jakre (Picture 21. The Seed Grows)
335 kB
 1′ 15″
Story 22/Me’õ kum kurê djwỳnh kaprĩn o djuw mex ‘ã ujarẽnh ne ja (Picture 22. Help for an Injured Man)
Story 22/Me’õ kum kurê djwỳnh kaprĩn o djuw mex ‘ã ujarẽnh ne ja (Picture 22. Help for an Injured Man)
628 kB
 2′ 26″
Story 23/Me kute amiwỳr Jeju kam amak kadjy ne ja (Picture 23. The House Owner Comes Home)
Story 23/Me kute amiwỳr Jeju kam amak kadjy ne ja (Picture 23. The House Owner Comes Home)
383 kB
 1′ 25″
Story 24/Jeju kute me axwebê me utàr kadjy bôx (Picture 24. The Man up a Tree)
Story 24/Jeju kute me axwebê me utàr kadjy bôx (Picture 24. The Man up a Tree)
596 kB
 2′ 23″