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The Heart of Man (Memuna Duku) in Tera

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Memuna duku (The heart of man)
Memuna duku (The heart of man)
396 kB
 1′ 29″
Ndum nga zab bu mudle yedda ? (Forgive my brother?)
Ndum nga zab bu mudle yedda ? (Forgive my brother?)
1.1 MB
 4′ 57″
Sdar kodomdi kashi sibirti gwaji (Small sin big damage)
Sdar kodomdi kashi sibirti gwaji (Small sin big damage)
2 MB
 9′ 10″
Meghai (Tradition)
Meghai (Tradition)
684 kB
 2′ 54″
Ghana zalale ye muna bhu memuna blace (Do not welcome evil in your heart)
Ghana zalale ye muna bhu memuna blace (Do not welcome evil in your heart)
1.1 MB
 4′ 47″
Chem ka gwa danari ? (Can we escape?)
Chem ka gwa danari ? (Can we escape?)
551 kB
 2′ 16″
Bititi kub magham (God and Laws)
Bititi kub magham (God and Laws)
805 kB
 3′ 29″
Paradise ndi gidim bai (Heaven and hell)
Paradise ndi gidim bai (Heaven and hell)
555 kB
 2′ 43″
Njib gwar mewar hari (How to be born again)
Njib gwar mewar hari (How to be born again)
824 kB
 3′ 57″
Njib gwar kadi me muna (The way of peace)
Njib gwar kadi me muna (The way of peace)
674 kB
 3′ 10″
There is a land that is fairer than day
There is a land that is fairer than day
537 kB
 2′ 30″