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LLL 6 JESUS - Lehrer & Heiler (LLL6: Yecu - Apwony Eka Acango) in Thur

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Nyuthere A → Apwony Yecu (Einführung A)
Nyuthere A → Apwony Yecu (Einführung A)
134 kB
Yecu Opwonyo Jii (Bild 1. Jesus Teaches the People)
Yecu Opwonyo Jii (Bild 1. Jesus Teaches the People)
261 kB
 1′ 1″
Wudi Ario (Bild 2. The Two Houses)
Wudi Ario (Bild 2. The Two Houses)
285 kB
 1′ 3″
Tar Myero Onen (Bild 3. A Light Should be Seen)
Tar Myero Onen (Bild 3. A Light Should be Seen)
284 kB
 1′ 13″
Dhano Me Roma Tie Ka Go Ayuda (Bild 4. A Roman Beats a Jew)
Dhano Me Roma Tie Ka Go Ayuda (Bild 4. A Roman Beats a Jew)
286 kB
 1′ 15″
Lega Both Obanga (Bild 5. Praying to God)
Lega Both Obanga (Bild 5. Praying to God)
288 kB
 1′ 11″
Cuo Na Reco Cuwo Gini Doo (Bild 6. Evil Men Sow Weeds)
Cuo Na Reco Cuwo Gini Doo (Bild 6. Evil Men Sow Weeds)
287 kB
 1′ 7″
Yecu Eka Ke Thino (Bild 7. Jesus and the Children)
Yecu Eka Ke Thino (Bild 7. Jesus and the Children)
304 kB
 1′ 15″
Akwath Eka Romii (Bild 8. The Shepherd and the Sheep)
Akwath Eka Romii (Bild 8. The Shepherd and the Sheep)
272 kB
 1′ 3″
Atic Naba Timo Kica (Bild 9. The Unforgiving Servant)
Atic Naba Timo Kica (Bild 9. The Unforgiving Servant)
341 kB
 1′ 27″
Etic Tie Ka Gamo Cul Na Meegi (Bild 10. Workers Receive Their Pay)
Etic Tie Ka Gamo Cul Na Meegi (Bild 10. Workers Receive Their Pay)
401 kB
 1′ 45″
Enyira Abic Na Tie Yoko Ithogola (Bild 11. Five Women Outside the Door)
Enyira Abic Na Tie Yoko Ithogola (Bild 11. Five Women Outside the Door)
382 kB
 1′ 42″
Adit Eka Ke Tic Mere (Bild 12. The Master and His Servants)
Adit Eka Ke Tic Mere (Bild 12. The Master and His Servants)
313 kB
 1′ 21″
Nyuthere B → Yecu Ene Acango (Einführung B)
Nyuthere B → Yecu Ene Acango (Einführung B)
135 kB
Ebatica Yecu (Bild 13. Jesus is Baptized)
Ebatica Yecu (Bild 13. Jesus is Baptized)
405 kB
 1′ 42″
Yecu Ocwodo Ekony Mere (Bild 14. Jesus Calls Helpers)
Yecu Ocwodo Ekony Mere (Bild 14. Jesus Calls Helpers)
326 kB
 1′ 23″
Ecuo Na Tie Ki Tuo Thobu (Bild 15. A Man with Leprosy)
Ecuo Na Tie Ki Tuo Thobu (Bild 15. A Man with Leprosy)
272 kB
 1′ 13″
Ecuo Ne Mio Owok Ki Iwi Ot (Bild 16. A Man Comes Through the Roof)
Ecuo Ne Mio Owok Ki Iwi Ot (Bild 16. A Man Comes Through the Roof)
359 kB
 1′ 31″
Yecu Ocango Cing Ecuo (Bild 17. Jesus Heals a Man's Hand)
Yecu Ocango Cing Ecuo (Bild 17. Jesus Heals a Man's Hand)
365 kB
 1′ 40″
Yecu Ojuko Yamo (Bild 18. Jesus Calms a Storm)
Yecu Ojuko Yamo (Bild 18. Jesus Calms a Storm)
328 kB
 1′ 26″
Dhako Kin Kin Jii (Bild 19. A Woman in the Crowd)
Dhako Kin Kin Jii (Bild 19. A Woman in the Crowd)
334 kB
 1′ 23″
Yecu Eka Athin No Tho (Bild 20. Jesus and the Dead Child)
Yecu Eka Athin No Tho (Bild 20. Jesus and the Dead Child)
322 kB
 1′ 25″
Yecu Eka Ki Dhako No Bedo Arok (Bild 21. Jesus and the Foreign Woman)
Yecu Eka Ki Dhako No Bedo Arok (Bild 21. Jesus and the Foreign Woman)
317 kB
 1′ 23″
Yecu Ka Tho Yith Eka Ki Ngata Ba Twak (Bild 22. Jesus and the Deaf and Dumb Man)
Yecu Ka Tho Yith Eka Ki Ngata Ba Twak (Bild 22. Jesus and the Deaf and Dumb Man)
289 kB
 1′ 20″
Yecu Omio Ecuo Na Wange Otho Oneno (Bild 23. Jesus Makes a Blind Man See)
Yecu Omio Ecuo Na Wange Otho Oneno (Bild 23. Jesus Makes a Blind Man See)
265 kB
 1′ 9″
Yecu Ocango Awobi Na Citan Omako (Bild 24. Jesus Heals a Boy with a Demon)
Yecu Ocango Awobi Na Citan Omako (Bild 24. Jesus Heals a Boy with a Demon)
386 kB
 1′ 48″