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043. John (043. Johanes) dans Himba

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004. Jesus nomukazendu omusamaria, Johanes 4 5-30 (004. Jesus Talks to a Samaritan Woman, Jean 4:5-30)
004. Jesus nomukazendu omusamaria, Johanes 4 5-30 (004. Jesus Talks to a Samaritan Woman, Jean 4:5-30)
1.5 MB
 7′ 24″
009. Jesus ma verukisa omundu nguwa kwatwa omupotu, Johanes 9 1-38 (009. Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind, Jean 9:1-38)
009. Jesus ma verukisa omundu nguwa kwatwa omupotu, Johanes 9 1-38 (009. Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind, Jean 9:1-38)
2.3 MB
 11′ 34″
010. Jesus Omurise Omuwa, Johanes 10 1-7 (010. Jesus is the Good Shepherd, Jean 10:1-7)
010. Jesus Omurise Omuwa, Johanes 10 1-7 (010. Jesus is the Good Shepherd, Jean 10:1-7)
705 kB
 3′ 33″
011. Ondiro Ja Lasarus, Johannes 11 (011. The Story of Lazarus, Jean 11)
011. Ondiro Ja Lasarus, Johannes 11 (011. The Story of Lazarus, Jean 11)
1.3 MB
 7′ 3″
021. Jesus meriraisa kovahongeua hambombari, Johanes 21:1-14 (021. Jesus and the miraculous catch of fish, Jean 21:1-14)
021. Jesus meriraisa kovahongeua hambombari, Johanes 21:1-14 (021. Jesus and the miraculous catch of fish, Jean 21:1-14)
884 kB
 4′ 48″