| Jisas main Seibya (27) (Jesus my saviour) | |
| Main kemp langa Heben (32) (My home in heaven) | |
| Imbin baiyim mi (28) (He bought me) | |
| Langa nowath, langa sauth (35) (To the North and South) | |
| Bulurrum Jisas olawei (19) (Follow Jesus all the way) | |
| Bulurrumap (1) (Follow, follow) | |
| God im gudbala (2) (God is good) | |
| Jisas laigim olagija (3) (Jesus loves everyone) | |
| Det greib im sidan imti (36) (The grave now is empty) | |
| Nowa imbin meigim bout (37) (Noah) | |
| Jisas biginini blanga God (7) (Jesus is Lord of my life) | |
| Dubalawei (4) (Two roads in life) | |
| Tainim yubala ai langa Jisas (Turn your eyes on Jesus) | |
| Jisas im laigim mi (9) (Jesus loves me) | |
| Langa main hat (10) (Come into my heart) | |
| Aleiluya! Mi brabli gudbiji (11) (Hallelujah I am very happy) | |
| Nomo nogudbinji (5) (In my Father's house) | |
| Ai bin jinggabat bla bulurrum Jisas (8) (I have decided to follow Jesus) | |
| Mi gudbinji tudei (14) (I am happy today) | |
| Mi hepi mi kristjan (15) (I'm glad I'm a Christian) | |
| JIsas im laigim biginini (Jesus loves all the children of the world) | |
| Jisas im laigim mi, ai sabi (17) (Jesus loves me) | |
| Mi laigim irrim stori (18) (I love to hear the Histórias of Jesus) | |
| God im laigim yunmi (God so loved the World) | |
| Imbin longtaim na (21) (For a long time I have been away from God) | |
| Bambai yumi garra siyim God (22) (By and By we will see the Lord) | |
| Wot gin klinim sin bla mi (23) (What can wash away my sin) | |
| Kaburrumap mi (24) (Cover me) | |
| Mi nomo garram eni mani (12) (Silver & Gold have I none) | |
| Langa neim banga Jisas (13) (In the name of Jesus) | |
| Klebabala men (25) (The wise man built his house upon the rock) | |
| Yunmi Kristjan (26) (We Christians read the Bible) | |
| God im nat dedbala (38) (God is not dead) | |
| Mi bla yu, O Lod (29) (Draw me nearer) | |
| Imbin meigim mi fri (30) (He has made me free) | |