Hello! Welcome. What you are about to hear are some of the most important words you will ever hear. It is good news for everyone.
Words of Life in Malayic Dayak: Banana
3.8 MB
17.1 MB
Slideshow Video
Audio Only
The Person and work of the Holy Spirit 1
926 kB
4′ 17″
God's hatred of sin
1 MB
4′ 46″
The Person and work of the Holy Spirit 2
1015 kB
4′ 35″
What is a Christian
1000 kB
4′ 32″
How to walk the Jesus road
1.1 MB
5′ 13″
The Christian woman
1.2 MB
5′ 22″
Song - In the name of Jesus
131 kB
Prayer is talking to God
829 kB
3′ 43″