| 圣歌: Jesus Died and Rose Again | |
| 介绍:通知 to Mary, 路加福音 1:26-38 | |
| Joseph Is Told of Jesus' Birth, 马太福音 1:18-24 | |
| Jesus Is Born, 路加福音 2:1-7 | |
| Shepherds Go to See Jesus, 路加福音 2:8-20 | |
| Wise Men go to See Jesus, 马太福音 2:1-12 | |
| Jesus' Genealogy, 路加福音 3:23-38 | |
| 约翰福音 Prepares the People for Jesus, 马太福音 3:1-4, 11, 12 | |
| 约翰福音 Baptizes Jesus, 约翰福音 3:13-17 | |
| Jesus Heals a Blind Man, 马可福音 8:22-26 | |
| 圣歌: I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light | |
| Jesus Forgives Sin 马太福音 9:1-8 | |
| Jesus Raises a Dead Boy to Life, 路加福音 7:11-17 | |
| Jesus Calms the Storm, 马可福音 4:35-41 | |
| Jesus Feeds 5,000 Men, 马太福音 14:14-21 | |
| Jesus Walks on Water | |
| Jesus Casts Out a Demon | |
| Jesus Teaches about 祷告者 | |
| Jesus, the Good Shepherd | |
| 圣歌: The 23rd Psalm | |
| 圣歌: I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light | |
| Jesus Raises Lazarus to Life | |
| Jesus Is Betrayed by Judas | |
| Jesus Prays in Gethsemane | |
| Jesus Is Arrested | |
| Jesus Goes before the Council | |
| Jesus Goes before Pilate | |
| Soldiers Mock Jesus | |
| Jesus Is Crudified | |
| Jesus Dies | |
| Joseph of Arimathaea Puts Jesus in his Tomb | |
| Soldiers Guard the Tomb | |
| Jesus Rises from the Dead | |
| 圣歌: Jesus Died and Rose Again | |
| Jesus Meets with His Disciples | |
| Jesus Promises to Give the Holy Spirit | |
| The Holy Spirit Comes, from 使徒行传 2 | |