Life of Christ 1 in Thai, Southern

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An Angel Visits Mary, Lukas 1:26-38
An Angel Visits Mary, Lukas 1:26-38
544 kB
 2′ 41″
The Birth of Jesus, Lukas 2: 1-7
The Birth of Jesus, Lukas 2: 1-7
253 kB
 1′ 7″
Angels Visit Shepherds, Lukas 2:8-20
Angels Visit Shepherds, Lukas 2:8-20
397 kB
 1′ 53″
Wise Men, Flight to Egypt, Matthäus 2:1-12
Wise Men, Flight to Egypt, Matthäus 2:1-12
593 kB
 2′ 39″
The Boy Jesus in Jerusalem, Lukas 2:40-52
The Boy Jesus in Jerusalem, Lukas 2:40-52
409 kB
 1′ 58″
Lied: Christmas Day, Hymn #63
Lied: Christmas Day, Hymn #63
139 kB
Johannes the Baptist Markus 1:4-8
Johannes the Baptist Markus 1:4-8
313 kB
 1′ 22″
Jesus Is Baptized Markus 1:9-11
Jesus Is Baptized Markus 1:9-11
139 kB
Satan tempts Jesus Markus 1:12-13
Satan tempts Jesus Markus 1:12-13
92 kB
Jesus begins His ministry in Galilee Markus 1:14-15
Jesus begins His ministry in Galilee Markus 1:14-15
115 kB
Miracle of the big catch of fish Lukas 5:1-11
Miracle of the big catch of fish Lukas 5:1-11
468 kB
 2′ 2″
Jesus chooses 12 disciples Lukas 6:12-16
Jesus chooses 12 disciples Lukas 6:12-16
178 kB
Lied: Hymn #9, verse 1
Lied: Hymn #9, verse 1
187 kB
Jesus tells the way of Blessedness (Beatitudes) Matthäus 5:1
Jesus tells the way of Blessedness (Beatitudes) Matthäus 5:1
410 kB
 1′ 52″
In this world you are like salt Matthäus 5:13
In this world you are like salt Matthäus 5:13
69 kB
You are the light of the world Matthäus 5:14-16
You are the light of the world Matthäus 5:14-16
141 kB
Love your enemies Matthäus 5:43-48
Love your enemies Matthäus 5:43-48
230 kB
 1′ 4″
Jesus teaches about Gebet Matthäus 6:5-14
Jesus teaches about Gebet Matthäus 6:5-14
422 kB
 1′ 55″
Ask and you will receive Matthäus 7:7-11
Ask and you will receive Matthäus 7:7-11
159 kB
True love and the Narrow gate Matthäus 7: 12-13
True love and the Narrow gate Matthäus 7: 12-13
146 kB
Know the tree by its fruit Lukas 6:43-45
Know the tree by its fruit Lukas 6:43-45
166 kB
Two kinds of foundations Lukas 6: 46-49
Two kinds of foundations Lukas 6: 46-49
179 kB
Parable of the foolish rich man Lukas 12:13-21
Parable of the foolish rich man Lukas 12:13-21
432 kB
 1′ 57″
Lied: Hymn #9, verses 2, 3
Lied: Hymn #9, verses 2, 3
255 kB
 1′ 5″
Turn over Ankündigung. Jesus teaches about worry Lukas 12
Turn over Ankündigung. Jesus teaches about worry Lukas 12
423 kB
 2′ 2″
Parable of the Sower Markus 4: 1-20
Parable of the Sower Markus 4: 1-20
746 kB
 3′ 14″
Parable of the unforgiving servant Matthäus 18: 21-35
Parable of the unforgiving servant Matthäus 18: 21-35
509 kB
 2′ 56″
Lied: Hymn #14, verse 1
Lied: Hymn #14, verse 1
133 kB
Parable of the good Samaritan, part 1 Lukas 10: 25-30
Parable of the good Samaritan, part 1 Lukas 10: 25-30
300 kB
 1′ 21″
Parable of the good Samaritan, part 2 Lukas 10: 30-37
Parable of the good Samaritan, part 2 Lukas 10: 30-37
275 kB
 1′ 13″
Parable of the lost sheep Lukas 15:1-7
Parable of the lost sheep Lukas 15:1-7
275 kB
 1′ 13″
Parable of the lost coin Lukas 15: 8-10
Parable of the lost coin Lukas 15: 8-10
159 kB
Parable of the Verlorener Sohn Lukas 15: 11-32
Parable of the Verlorener Sohn Lukas 15: 11-32
821 kB
 3′ 53″
Lied: Hymn # 14, verse 2
Lied: Hymn # 14, verse 2
128 kB
The Rich Man and Lazarus Lukas 15:11-32
The Rich Man and Lazarus Lukas 15:11-32
605 kB
 2′ 42″
Jesus and Nicodemus Johannes 3: 1-8, 16-21
Jesus and Nicodemus Johannes 3: 1-8, 16-21
612 kB
 2′ 48″
Jesus blesses the children Markus 10: 13-16
Jesus blesses the children Markus 10: 13-16
182 kB
A mother's request Matthäus 20:20-28; Zacchaeus Lukas 19:1-10
A mother's request Matthäus 20:20-28; Zacchaeus Lukas 19:1-10
779 kB
 3′ 31″
Jesus speaks of His death Johannes 12: 31-34
Jesus speaks of His death Johannes 12: 31-34
182 kB
Jesus speaks comfort to His disciples Johannes 14:1-6
Jesus speaks comfort to His disciples Johannes 14:1-6
238 kB
 1′ 0″
Ankündigung to put in second cassette
Ankündigung to put in second cassette
33 kB